Source code for akvo.cache.heartbeat

import datetime
import logging
from threading import Event, Thread
from typing import Union

from django.core.cache import cache

[docs]class CacheHeartbeat(Thread): """ Thread to set a cache key with a max life and refresh it as long as the thread is alive The thread can be ended by setting the `event_end` flag """ def __init__(self, cache_key: str, key_timeout: float = 30.0, beat_interval: int = 3): """ :param cache_key: The cache key to keep alive :param key_timeout: How long the cache key should live without the heartbeat thread :param beat_interval: How often per timeout the key should "beat" """ super().__init__() self.cache_key = cache_key self.event_end = Event() self.key_timeout = key_timeout self.beat_interval = beat_interval
[docs] def run(self) -> None: logger = logging.getLogger("akvo.rsr.CacheHeartBeat")"Starting cache heartbeat for '%s' with timeout %s", self.cache_key, self.key_timeout) self.event_end.clear() while not self.event_end.is_set(): # Refresh the heartbeat self.set_cache_value() self.event_end.wait(self.key_timeout / self.beat_interval) cache.delete(self.cache_key)"Ended cache heartbeat for '%s'", self.cache_key)
[docs] def set_cache_value(self): """ Set the cache key and its value """ cache.set(self.cache_key, self.calc_cache_value(), self.key_timeout)
[docs] def calc_cache_value(self) -> Union[str, int, float]: """ Calculate a value to be used when setting the cache key """ return datetime.datetime.utcnow().timestamp()