Source code for akvo.cache

import logging
from functools import wraps
from typing import Any, Callable, List, Type

from django.conf import settings
from django.core.cache import caches, BaseCache

from akvo.cache.prepo import PrePoPickler

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def cache_with_key( keyfunc: Callable[..., Any], timeout: int = settings.RSR_CACHE_SECONDS, cache_name: str = 'default', prepo_pickle: Type[PrePoPickler] = None ): """Decorator which applies Django caching to a function. :param keyfunc: Function which computes a cache key from the original function's arguments. You are responsible for avoiding collisions with other uses of this decorator or other uses of caching. :param timeout: How long the value will be valid in the cache :param cache_name: Which cache to store the value in :param prepo_pickle: Pre- and post-processing class for pickled values """ prepo_pickle = prepo_pickle or PrePoPickler def decorator(func): @wraps(func) def func_with_caching(*args, **kwargs): key = keyfunc(*args, **kwargs) cache: BaseCache = caches[cache_name] cached_tuple = cache.get(key) # Values are singleton tuples so that we can distinguish # a result of None from a missing key. if cached_tuple is not None: val = cached_tuple[0] try: return prepo_pickle.expand(val) except: logger.exception("Couldn't expand a pickled value. Re-caching %s", key) cache.delete(key) val = func(*args, **kwargs) cache.set(key, (prepo_pickle.reduce(val),), timeout=timeout) return val return func_with_caching return decorator
[docs]def list_cache_keys(cache_name: str = 'default') -> List[str]: """ List the keys that exist in the given cache Not all cache clients support listing their keys, so this method can throw an exception """ cache = caches[cache_name] list_func = getattr(cache, "list_keys", None) if not list_func: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError(f"Cannot list keys of cache {cache_name}: {type(cache)}") return list_func()
[docs]def delete_cache_data(key, cache_name='default'): cache = caches[cache_name] cache.delete(key)