
We use SemaphoreCI to deploy to test and production


Deploying to is done automatically once a PR is merged to master.


Currently, we use the master branch to promote changes to production. This a manual operation.

In order to deploy to production, the docker image must exist in the docker registry. At the moment, this is all tied to Akvo’s private, docker registry on Google Cloud.

The docker image is created during the deployment to the test environment or simply by merging into master.



  • A token from zulip to send messages to the channel.

  • Access to Google Cloud (ask somebody from the DevOps team)


Sequence diagram

    actor dev as developer
    participant local as "local system"
    participant github as Github
    participant semaphore as semaphoreCI
    participant kube as "Google Kubernetes"
    participant zulip

    dev ->> local:  checkout production branch

    dev ->> local: ci/
    activate local
        local ->> kube: get running versions
        activate kube
            kube -->> local: versions of TEST & PROD
        deactivate kube
        local ->> local: print github diff link
        local -->> dev: commands for git tag and zulip notif
    deactivate local

    dev ->> local: git tag

    dev ->> local: git push
    activate local
        local -->> github: tag
        activate github
        github ->> local:
        local ->> dev:
    deactivate local

    dev ->> local: notify through zulip
    activate local
        local ->> zulip: notify others
        activate zulip
            zulip ->> local: notified
        deactivate zulip
        local ->> dev:
    deactivate local

    github ->> semaphore: new tag pushed
    activate semaphore
        semaphore -->> github: OK
        deactivate github
        semaphore ->> kube: deploy tagged version
        activate kube
            kube ->> semaphore: applying new config
        deactivate kube
        loop Until containers are ready
            semaphore ->> kube: please provide container status
            activate kube
                kube -->> semaphore: status
            deactivate kube
    deactivate semaphore