
This project also works well with Jetbrains’ PyCharm IDE.

Setting up remote Python interpreter

Following the tutorial, there are only minor modifications we need to make for this project.

Remote interpreter setup

  • Add docker-compose.override.yml to the files

  • Select the web service

Interpreter path mappings

Once the interpeter is added, map the local path to the path in the docker container.

PyCharm django support

PyCharm has additional support for django related features. Our specific config looks like this

django support config

Running docker-compose services

It’s possible to control many aspects of docker within PyCharm (and other JetBrains products). Simple ones include starting, stopping, killing, and scaling up services. It’s also possible to start terminals in services (equivalent of docker-compose exec $service bash).

We do however need to make PyCharm aware of the docker-compose.override.yaml.

docker-compose run override

Running tests

With django support activated, we can run tests right from a file or a folder (module or package).

Run tests