akvo.utils package

class akvo.utils.DjangoModel(table_name, app, model_name)

Bases: tuple


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 2


Alias for field number 0

class akvo.utils.HttpResponseNoContent(content=b'', *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: HttpResponse

status_code = 204
class akvo.utils.ObjectReaderProxy(real)[source]

Bases: object

Proxy object to wrap other object for read only purpose.

Main use case is for wrapping models to be used in the presentation layer. Additional property/method can be added to encapsulate presentation logic in sub-classes.

akvo.utils.codelist_choices(codelist, show_code=True)[source]

Based on a model from the codelists app, returns a list of tuples with the available choices.

  • codelist – Codelist from codelists store

  • show_code – Show the code (e.g. ‘1 - ..’) in front of the name, True by default


List of tuples with available choices, tuples in the form of (code, name)

akvo.utils.codelist_has_value(model, value, version='2.03')[source]

Check if value exists

akvo.utils.codelist_name(model, instance, field, version='2.03')[source]

Looks up the name of a codelist, returns the field value if the lookup fails :param model: Model from codelists app :param instance: Instance from model :param field: String of the lookup field (e.g. ‘type’) :param version: String of version (optional) :return: String of the codelist instance

akvo.utils.codelist_value(model, instance, field, version='2.03')[source]

Looks up the value of a codelist :param model: Model from codelists app :param instance: Instance from model :param field: String of the lookup field (e.g. ‘type’) :param version: String of version (optional) :return: String of the codelist instance

akvo.utils.custom_get_or_create_country(iso_code, country=None)[source]

add the missing fields to a skeleton country object from the admin or create a new one with the given iso_code if it doesn’t already exist

akvo.utils.file_from_zip_archive(zip, file_name)[source]

Return a file from a zip archive :param zip: zip file or file name :param file_name: name of the file to retrieve from the archive :return: the file or None


Takes a QueryDict and returns a string that can be prepended to paginated links. Since pagination is handled outside of this function we pop the page item.

akvo.utils.get_country(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Stub function since one of the migrations imports this function

akvo.utils.get_placeholder_thumbnail(file_, geometry_string, **options)[source]

Return a place holder url for the given geometry string

akvo.utils.get_project_for_object(Project, obj)[source]

Return the Project to which an object is associated.


Helper function to guarantee the same settings for existing and new thumbs of project update photos


return the sha1 hash of the string you call with

akvo.utils.log_project_changes(user, project, related_obj, data, action)[source]

Logs all changes to Django’s LogEntry model.


If datetime is naive and is an invalid datetime of current timezone, then assume datetime is in UTC and convert it to a datetime of current timezone.

akvo.utils.model_and_instance_based_filename(object_name, pk, field_name, img_name)[source]

Create a file name for an image based on the model name, the current object’s pk, the field name of the model and the current date and time

akvo.utils.pagination(page, object_list, objects_per_page)[source]

Calculate the numbers used in the “Right now in Akvo” box on the home page.

akvo.utils.rsr_image_path(instance, file_name, path_template='db/project/%s/%s')[source]

Use to set ImageField upload_to attribute. Create path for image storing. When a new object instance is created we save in MEDIA_ROOT/db/project/temp/img_name.ext first and then immediately call save on the ImageFieldFile when the object instance has been saved to the db, so the path changes to MEDIA_ROOT/db/project/org.pk/img_name.ext. Modify path by supplying a path_tempate string

akvo.utils.rsr_send_mail(to_list, subject='templates/email/test_subject.txt', message='templates/email/test_message.txt', subject_context=None, msg_context=None, html_message=None, attachments=None)[source]
Send template driven email.

to_list is a list of email addresses subject and message are templates for use as email subject and message body subject_context and msg_context are dicts used when renedering the respective templates html_message is the HTML template for use as message body

settings.RSR_DOMAIN is added to both contexts as current_site, defaulting to ‘akvo.org’ if undefined

akvo.utils.rsr_send_mail_to_users(users, subject='test/test_subject.txt', message='test/test_message.txt', subject_context=None, msg_context=None)[source]

Send mail to many users supplied through a queryset

akvo.utils.save_image(img, name, field_name)[source]
akvo.utils.send_mail_with_attachments(subject, message, from_email, recipient_list, fail_silently=False, auth_user=None, auth_password=None, connection=None, html_message=None, attachments=None)[source]

Extension of django.core.main.send_mail to allow the inclusion of attachments

Easy wrapper for sending a single message to a recipient list. All members of the recipient list will see the other recipients in the ‘To’ field.

If auth_user is None, the EMAIL_HOST_USER setting is used. If auth_password is None, the EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD setting is used.

Note: The API for this method is frozen. New code wanting to extend the functionality should use the EmailMessage class directly.

attachments must be a list of dicts of the form

{‘filename’: <file name>, ‘content’: <attachment data>, ‘mimetype’: mime type}

akvo.utils.send_user_invitation(email, user, invited_user, employment=None, project=None)[source]
akvo.utils.to_bool(obj) bool[source]

Converts a given object to a boolean


introspecting function returning the name of the function where who_am_i is called


introspecting function returning the name of the caller of the function where who_is_parent is called
