akvo.rsr.views.my_rsr module
Akvo RSR is covered by the GNU Affero General Public License.
See more details in the license.txt file located at the root folder of the Akvo RSR module. For additional details on the GNU license please see < http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html >.
- akvo.rsr.views.my_rsr.my_details(request)[source]
If the user is logged in, he/she can change his user details and password here. In addition, the user can request to join an organisation.
:param request; A Django request.
- akvo.rsr.views.my_rsr.my_project(request, project_id, template='myrsr/my_project.html')[source]
Project results, updates and reports CRUD view
The page allows adding updates, creating reports, adding/changing results and narrative reports. So, this page should be visible to any org user, but tabs are shown based on the permissions of the user.
:param request; A Django HTTP request and context :param project_id; The ID of the project
- akvo.rsr.views.my_rsr.my_rsr(request)[source]
Redirect to the ‘My Projects’ page in MyRSR, if the user is logged in.
:param request; A Django request.
- akvo.rsr.views.my_rsr.user_viewable_projects(user, show_restricted=False, filter_program=None)[source]
Return list of all projects a user can view
If a project is unpublished, and the user is not allowed to edit that project, the project is not displayed in the list.
Any projects where the user’s access has been restricted (using fine-access control) are also not shown.