akvo.rsr.models.result package
- class akvo.rsr.models.result.DefaultPeriod(id, project, parent, period_start, period_end)[source]
- exception DoesNotExist
- exception MultipleObjectsReturned
- child_periods
Accessor to the related objects manager on the reverse side of a many-to-one relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aReverseManyToOneDescriptor
instance.Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by
defined below.
- id
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- objects = <django.db.models.manager.Manager object>
- parent
Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aForwardManyToOneDescriptor
- parent_id
- period_end
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- period_start
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- project
Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aForwardManyToOneDescriptor
- project_id
- class akvo.rsr.models.result.Disaggregation(*args, **kwargs)[source]
Model for storing a disaggregated value along one axis of a dimension.
- exception DoesNotExist
- exception MultipleObjectsReturned
- created_at
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- denominator
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- dimension_value
Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aForwardManyToOneDescriptor
- dimension_value_id
- id
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- incomplete_data
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- last_modified_at
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- narrative
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- numerator
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- objects = <django.db.models.manager.Manager object>
- save(*args, **kwargs)[source]
Save the current instance. Override this in a subclass if you want to control the saving process.
The ‘force_insert’ and ‘force_update’ parameters can be used to insist that the “save” must be an SQL insert or update (or equivalent for non-SQL backends), respectively. Normally, they should not be set.
- update
Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aForwardManyToOneDescriptor
- update_id
- value
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- class akvo.rsr.models.result.DisaggregationContribution(*args, **kwargs)[source]
Model to hold the disaggragation contribution
- exception DoesNotExist
- exception MultipleObjectsReturned
- contributing_project
Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aForwardManyToOneDescriptor
- contributing_project_id
- created_at
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- denominator
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- disaggregation
Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aForwardManyToOneDescriptor
- disaggregation_id
- id
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- last_modified_at
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- numerator
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- objects = <django.db.models.manager.Manager object>
- value
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- class akvo.rsr.models.result.DisaggregationTarget(id, period, dimension_value, value)[source]
- exception DoesNotExist
- exception MultipleObjectsReturned
- dimension_value
Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aForwardManyToOneDescriptor
- dimension_value_id
- id
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- objects = <django.db.models.manager.Manager object>
- period
Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aForwardManyToOneDescriptor
- period_id
- project_relation = 'results__indicators__periods__disaggregation_targets__in'
- value
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- class akvo.rsr.models.result.Indicator(id, result, parent_indicator, title, type, measure, ascending, cumulative, description, baseline_year, baseline_value, baseline_comment, target_value, target_comment, order, export_to_iati, scores, baseline_score, target_score)[source]
- exception DoesNotExist
- INDICATOR_TYPES = ((1, 'Quantitative'), (2, 'Qualitative'))
- exception MultipleObjectsReturned
- ascending
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- baseline_comment
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- baseline_score
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- baseline_value
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- baseline_year
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- child_indicators
Accessor to the related objects manager on the reverse side of a many-to-one relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aReverseManyToOneDescriptor
instance.Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by
defined below.
- property children_aggregate_percentage
Returns True if this indicator has percentage as a measure and has children that aggregate to this indicator.
- clean()[source]
Hook for doing any extra model-wide validation after clean() has been called on every field by self.clean_fields. Any ValidationError raised by this method will not be associated with a particular field; it will have a special-case association with the field defined by NON_FIELD_ERRORS.
- cumulative
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- custom_values
Accessor to the related objects manager on the reverse side of a many-to-one relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aReverseManyToOneDescriptor
instance.Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by
defined below.
- delete(*args, **kwargs)[source]
Check if indicator is ordered manually, and cascade following indicators if needed
- description
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- dimension_names
Accessor to the related objects manager on the forward and reverse sides of a many-to-many relation.
In the example:
class Pizza(Model): toppings = ManyToManyField(Topping, related_name='pizzas')
instances.Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by
defined below.
- disaggregation_targets
Accessor to the related objects manager on the reverse side of a many-to-one relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aReverseManyToOneDescriptor
instance.Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by
defined below.
- enumerators
Accessor to the related objects manager on the forward and reverse sides of a many-to-many relation.
In the example:
class Pizza(Model): toppings = ManyToManyField(Topping, related_name='pizzas')
instances.Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by
defined below.
- export_to_iati
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- get_measure_display(*, field=<akvo.rsr.fields.ValidXMLCharField: measure>)
- get_type_display(*, field=<django.db.models.fields.PositiveSmallIntegerField: type>)
- id
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- is_cumulative()[source]
The cumulative setting is ignored if the indicator is a percentage measure because the percentage measure can only be updated once per period.
- labels
Accessor to the related objects manager on the reverse side of a many-to-one relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aReverseManyToOneDescriptor
instance.Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by
defined below.
- measure
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- objects = <django.db.models.manager.Manager object>
- order
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- parent_indicator
Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aForwardManyToOneDescriptor
- parent_indicator_id
- perioddisaggregation_set
Accessor to the related objects manager on the reverse side of a many-to-one relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aReverseManyToOneDescriptor
instance.Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by
defined below.
- periods
Accessor to the related objects manager on the reverse side of a many-to-one relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aReverseManyToOneDescriptor
instance.Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by
defined below.
- project_relation = 'results__indicators__in'
- references
Accessor to the related objects manager on the reverse side of a many-to-one relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aReverseManyToOneDescriptor
instance.Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by
defined below.
- result
Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aForwardManyToOneDescriptor
- result_id
- save(*args, **kwargs)[source]
Update the values of child indicators, if a parent indicator is updated.
- scores
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- target_comment
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- target_score
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- target_value
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- title
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- type
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- class akvo.rsr.models.result.IndicatorCustomField(id, project, name, order, mandatory, help_text, type, dropdown_options)[source]
- exception DoesNotExist
- exception MultipleObjectsReturned
- TYPES = (('text', 'Text'), ('boolean', 'Checkbox'), ('dropdown', 'Dropdown'))
- dropdown_options
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- get_type_display(*, field=<akvo.rsr.fields.ValidXMLCharField: type>)
- help_text
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- id
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- mandatory
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- name
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- objects = <django.db.models.manager.Manager object>
- order
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- project
Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aForwardManyToOneDescriptor
- project_id
- type
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- values
Accessor to the related objects manager on the reverse side of a many-to-one relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aReverseManyToOneDescriptor
instance.Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by
defined below.
- class akvo.rsr.models.result.IndicatorCustomValue(id, indicator, custom_field, text_value, boolean_value, dropdown_selection)[source]
- exception DoesNotExist
- exception MultipleObjectsReturned
- boolean_value
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- custom_field
Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aForwardManyToOneDescriptor
- custom_field_id
- dropdown_selection
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- id
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- indicator
Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aForwardManyToOneDescriptor
- indicator_id
- objects = <django.db.models.manager.Manager object>
- project_relation = 'results__indicators__custom_values__in'
- text_value
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- class akvo.rsr.models.result.IndicatorDimensionName(id, project, name, parent_dimension_name)[source]
- exception DoesNotExist
- exception MultipleObjectsReturned
- child_dimension_names
Accessor to the related objects manager on the reverse side of a many-to-one relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aReverseManyToOneDescriptor
instance.Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by
defined below.
- dimension_values
Accessor to the related objects manager on the reverse side of a many-to-one relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aReverseManyToOneDescriptor
instance.Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by
defined below.
- id
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- indicators
Accessor to the related objects manager on the forward and reverse sides of a many-to-many relation.
In the example:
class Pizza(Model): toppings = ManyToManyField(Topping, related_name='pizzas')
instances.Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by
defined below.
- name
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- objects = <django.db.models.manager.Manager object>
- parent_dimension_name
Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aForwardManyToOneDescriptor
- parent_dimension_name_id
- project
Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aForwardManyToOneDescriptor
- project_id
- save(*args, **kwargs)[source]
Save the current instance. Override this in a subclass if you want to control the saving process.
The ‘force_insert’ and ‘force_update’ parameters can be used to insist that the “save” must be an SQL insert or update (or equivalent for non-SQL backends), respectively. Normally, they should not be set.
- class akvo.rsr.models.result.IndicatorDimensionValue(id, name, value, parent_dimension_value)[source]
- exception DoesNotExist
- exception MultipleObjectsReturned
- child_dimension_values
Accessor to the related objects manager on the reverse side of a many-to-one relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aReverseManyToOneDescriptor
instance.Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by
defined below.
- disaggregation_targets
Accessor to the related objects manager on the reverse side of a many-to-one relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aReverseManyToOneDescriptor
instance.Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by
defined below.
- disaggregations
Accessor to the related objects manager on the reverse side of a many-to-one relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aReverseManyToOneDescriptor
instance.Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by
defined below.
- id
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- indicator_disaggregation_targets
Accessor to the related objects manager on the reverse side of a many-to-one relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aReverseManyToOneDescriptor
instance.Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by
defined below.
- name
Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aForwardManyToOneDescriptor
- name_id
- objects = <django.db.models.manager.Manager object>
- parent_dimension_value
Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aForwardManyToOneDescriptor
- parent_dimension_value_id
- period_disaggregations
Accessor to the related objects manager on the reverse side of a many-to-one relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aReverseManyToOneDescriptor
instance.Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by
defined below.
- project_relation = 'dimension_names__dimension_values__in'
- save(*args, **kwargs)[source]
Save the current instance. Override this in a subclass if you want to control the saving process.
The ‘force_insert’ and ‘force_update’ parameters can be used to insist that the “save” must be an SQL insert or update (or equivalent for non-SQL backends), respectively. Normally, they should not be set.
- value
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- class akvo.rsr.models.result.IndicatorDisaggregationTarget(id, indicator, dimension_value, value)[source]
- exception DoesNotExist
- exception MultipleObjectsReturned
- dimension_value
Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aForwardManyToOneDescriptor
- dimension_value_id
- id
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- indicator
Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aForwardManyToOneDescriptor
- indicator_id
- objects = <django.db.models.manager.Manager object>
- project_relation = 'results__indicators__disaggregation_targets__in'
- value
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- class akvo.rsr.models.result.IndicatorLabel(id, indicator, label)[source]
- exception DoesNotExist
- exception MultipleObjectsReturned
- id
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- indicator
Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aForwardManyToOneDescriptor
- indicator_id
- label
Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aForwardManyToOneDescriptor
- label_id
- objects = <django.db.models.manager.Manager object>
- project_relation = 'results__indicators__labels__in'
- class akvo.rsr.models.result.IndicatorPeriod(id, indicator, parent_period, locked, period_start, period_end, target_value, target_comment, target_score, actual_value, actual_comment, numerator, denominator, narrative, score_index, score_indices, label)[source]
- exception DoesNotExist
- exception MultipleObjectsReturned
- actual_comment
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- actual_locations
Accessor to the related objects manager on the reverse side of a many-to-one relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aReverseManyToOneDescriptor
instance.Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by
defined below.
- actual_value
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- adjacent_period(next_period=True)[source]
Returns the next or previous indicator period, if we can find one with a start date, and we have a start date ourselves.
:param next_period; Boolean indicating either the next (True) or previous (False) period.
- aggregation_jobs
Accessor to the related objects manager on the reverse side of a many-to-one relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aReverseManyToOneDescriptor
instance.Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by
defined below.
- property approved_updates
- can_save_update(update_id=None)[source]
Return True if an update can be created/updated on the indicator period.
If no update_id is passed, we check if a new update can be created. If an update_id is passed, we verify that the update can be modified.
Non percentage indicators can have multiple updates. If the indicator is a percentage indicator, we check that no other update is present, other than the one currently being created or changed.
- child_aggregation_jobs
Accessor to the related objects manager on the reverse side of a many-to-one relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aReverseManyToOneDescriptor
instance.Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by
defined below.
- child_periods
Accessor to the related objects manager on the reverse side of a many-to-one relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aReverseManyToOneDescriptor
instance.Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by
defined below.
- clean()[source]
Hook for doing any extra model-wide validation after clean() has been called on every field by self.clean_fields. Any ValidationError raised by this method will not be associated with a particular field; it will have a special-case association with the field defined by NON_FIELD_ERRORS.
- data
Accessor to the related objects manager on the reverse side of a many-to-one relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aReverseManyToOneDescriptor
instance.Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by
defined below.
- denominator
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- disaggregation_targets
Accessor to the related objects manager on the reverse side of a many-to-one relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aReverseManyToOneDescriptor
instance.Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by
defined below.
- disaggregations
Accessor to the related objects manager on the reverse side of a many-to-one relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aReverseManyToOneDescriptor
instance.Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by
defined below.
- id
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- indicator
Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aForwardManyToOneDescriptor
- indicator_id
- is_calculated()[source]
When a period has got indicator updates, we consider the actual value to be a ‘calculated’ value, meaning that it’s not possible to update the actual value directly. Only through indicator updates.
- label
Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aForwardManyToOneDescriptor
- label_id
- locked
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- narrative
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- numerator
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- objects = <django.db.models.manager.Manager object>
- parent_period
Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aForwardManyToOneDescriptor
- parent_period_id
- property percent_accomplishment
Return the percentage completed for this indicator period. If not possible to convert the values to numbers, return None.
- property percent_accomplishment_100
Similar to the percent_accomplishment property. However, it won’t return any number bigger than 100.
- period_end
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- period_start
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- periodactualvalue_set
Accessor to the related objects manager on the reverse side of a many-to-one relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aReverseManyToOneDescriptor
instance.Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by
defined below.
- perioddisaggregation_set
Accessor to the related objects manager on the reverse side of a many-to-one relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aReverseManyToOneDescriptor
instance.Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by
defined below.
- property project
- project_relation = 'results__indicators__periods__in'
- save(*args, **kwargs)[source]
Save the current instance. Override this in a subclass if you want to control the saving process.
The ‘force_insert’ and ‘force_update’ parameters can be used to insist that the “save” must be an SQL insert or update (or equivalent for non-SQL backends), respectively. Normally, they should not be set.
- score_index
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- score_indices
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- target_comment
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- target_locations
Accessor to the related objects manager on the reverse side of a many-to-one relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aReverseManyToOneDescriptor
instance.Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by
defined below.
- target_score
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- target_value
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- class akvo.rsr.models.result.IndicatorPeriodActualLocation(id, period, location)[source]
- exception DoesNotExist
- exception MultipleObjectsReturned
- id
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- location
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- objects = <django.db.models.manager.Manager object>
- period
Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aForwardManyToOneDescriptor
- period_id
- project_relation = 'results__indicators__periods__actual_locations__in'
- class akvo.rsr.models.result.IndicatorPeriodData(*args, **kwargs)[source]
Model for adding data to an indicator period.
- exception DoesNotExist
- exception MultipleObjectsReturned
- STATUSES = [('D', 'draft'), ('P', 'pending approval'), ('R', 'return for revision'), ('A', 'approved')]
- STATUSES_LABELS_LIST = ['draft', 'pending approval', 'return for revision', 'approved']
- STATUS_APPROVED = 'approved'
- STATUS_CODES_LIST = ['D', 'P', 'R', 'A']
- STATUS_DRAFT = 'draft'
- STATUS_PENDING = 'pending approval'
- STATUS_REVISION = 'return for revision'
- UPDATE_METHODS = (('W', 'web'), ('M', 'mobile'))
- approved_by
Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aForwardManyToOneDescriptor
- approved_by_id
- comments
Accessor to the related objects manager on the reverse side of a many-to-one relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aReverseManyToOneDescriptor
instance.Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by
defined below.
- created_at
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- denominator
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- disaggregations
Accessor to the related objects manager on the reverse side of a many-to-one relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aReverseManyToOneDescriptor
instance.Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by
defined below.
- file
The descriptor for the file attribute on the model instance. Return a FieldFile when accessed so you can write code like:
>>> from myapp.models import MyModel >>> instance = MyModel.objects.get(pk=1) >>> instance.file.size
Assign a file object on assignment so you can do:
>>> with open('/path/to/hello.world') as f: ... instance.file = File(f)
- property file_url
Returns the full URL of the file.
- get_status_display(*, field=<akvo.rsr.fields.ValidXMLCharField: status>)
- get_update_method_display(*, field=<akvo.rsr.fields.ValidXMLCharField: update_method>)
- id
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- indicatorperioddatafile_set
Accessor to the related objects manager on the reverse side of a many-to-one relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aReverseManyToOneDescriptor
instance.Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by
defined below.
- indicatorperioddataphoto_set
Accessor to the related objects manager on the reverse side of a many-to-one relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aReverseManyToOneDescriptor
instance.Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by
defined below.
- last_modified_at
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- narrative
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- numerator
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- objects = <django.db.models.manager.Manager object>
- period
Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aForwardManyToOneDescriptor
- period_id
- photo
Just like the FileDescriptor, but for ImageFields. The only difference is assigning the width/height to the width_field/height_field, if appropriate.
- property photo_url
Returns the full URL of the photo.
- project_relation = 'results__indicators__periods__data__in'
- review_note
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- save(recalculate=True, *args, **kwargs)[source]
Save the current instance. Override this in a subclass if you want to control the saving process.
The ‘force_insert’ and ‘force_update’ parameters can be used to insist that the “save” must be an SQL insert or update (or equivalent for non-SQL backends), respectively. Normally, they should not be set.
- score_index
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- score_indices
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- status
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- property status_display
Returns the display of the status.
- text
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- update_method
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- user
Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aForwardManyToOneDescriptor
- user_id
- value
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- class akvo.rsr.models.result.IndicatorPeriodDataComment(*args, **kwargs)[source]
Model for adding comments to data of an indicator period.
- exception DoesNotExist
- exception MultipleObjectsReturned
- comment
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- created_at
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- data
Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aForwardManyToOneDescriptor
- data_id
- id
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- last_modified_at
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- objects = <django.db.models.manager.Manager object>
- project_relation = 'results__indicators__periods__data__comments__in'
- user
Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aForwardManyToOneDescriptor
- user_id
- class akvo.rsr.models.result.IndicatorPeriodDataFile(id, update, file)[source]
- exception DoesNotExist
- exception MultipleObjectsReturned
- file
The descriptor for the file attribute on the model instance. Return a FieldFile when accessed so you can write code like:
>>> from myapp.models import MyModel >>> instance = MyModel.objects.get(pk=1) >>> instance.file.size
Assign a file object on assignment so you can do:
>>> with open('/path/to/hello.world') as f: ... instance.file = File(f)
- id
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- objects = <django.db.models.manager.Manager object>
- update
Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aForwardManyToOneDescriptor
- update_id
- class akvo.rsr.models.result.IndicatorPeriodDataPhoto(id, update, photo)[source]
- exception DoesNotExist
- exception MultipleObjectsReturned
- id
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- objects = <django.db.models.manager.Manager object>
- photo
Just like the FileDescriptor, but for ImageFields. The only difference is assigning the width/height to the width_field/height_field, if appropriate.
- update
Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aForwardManyToOneDescriptor
- update_id
- class akvo.rsr.models.result.IndicatorPeriodDisaggregation(*args, **kwargs)[source]
Model to hold aggregated disaggregation updates
- exception DoesNotExist
- exception MultipleObjectsReturned
- contributors
Accessor to the related objects manager on the reverse side of a many-to-one relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aReverseManyToOneDescriptor
instance.Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by
defined below.
- created_at
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- denominator
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- dimension_value
Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aForwardManyToOneDescriptor
- dimension_value_id
- id
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- last_modified_at
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- numerator
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- objects = <django.db.models.manager.Manager object>
- period
Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aForwardManyToOneDescriptor
- period_id
- project_relation = 'results__indicators__periods__disaggregations__in'
- value
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- class akvo.rsr.models.result.IndicatorPeriodLabel(*args, **kwargs)[source]
Model for adding a label on an indicator period.
- exception DoesNotExist
- exception MultipleObjectsReturned
- id
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- label
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- objects = <django.db.models.manager.Manager object>
- periods
Accessor to the related objects manager on the reverse side of a many-to-one relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aReverseManyToOneDescriptor
instance.Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by
defined below.
- project
Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aForwardManyToOneDescriptor
- project_id
- project_relation = ''
- class akvo.rsr.models.result.IndicatorPeriodTargetLocation(id, period, location)[source]
- exception DoesNotExist
- exception MultipleObjectsReturned
- id
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- location
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- objects = <django.db.models.manager.Manager object>
- period
Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aForwardManyToOneDescriptor
- period_id
- project_relation = 'results__indicators__periods__target_locations__in'
- class akvo.rsr.models.result.IndicatorReference(id, indicator, reference, vocabulary, vocabulary_uri)[source]
- exception DoesNotExist
- exception MultipleObjectsReturned
- get_vocabulary_display(*, field=<akvo.rsr.fields.ValidXMLCharField: vocabulary>)
- id
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- indicator
Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aForwardManyToOneDescriptor
- indicator_id
- objects = <django.db.models.manager.Manager object>
- project_relation = 'results__indicators__references__in'
- reference
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- vocabulary
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- vocabulary_uri
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- class akvo.rsr.models.result.NarrativeReport(id, project, category, text, published, period_start, period_end)[source]
- exception DoesNotExist
- exception MultipleObjectsReturned
- category
Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aForwardManyToOneDescriptor
- category_id
- clean()[source]
Hook for doing any extra model-wide validation after clean() has been called on every field by self.clean_fields. Any ValidationError raised by this method will not be associated with a particular field; it will have a special-case association with the field defined by NON_FIELD_ERRORS.
- get_next_by_period_end(*, field=<django.db.models.fields.DateField: period_end>, is_next=True, **kwargs)
- get_next_by_period_start(*, field=<django.db.models.fields.DateField: period_start>, is_next=True, **kwargs)
- get_previous_by_period_end(*, field=<django.db.models.fields.DateField: period_end>, is_next=False, **kwargs)
- get_previous_by_period_start(*, field=<django.db.models.fields.DateField: period_start>, is_next=False, **kwargs)
- id
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- objects = <django.db.models.manager.Manager object>
- period_end
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- period_start
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- project
Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aForwardManyToOneDescriptor
- project_id
- published
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- text
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- class akvo.rsr.models.result.PeriodActualValue(id, period, measure, value, numerator, denominator)[source]
- exception DoesNotExist
- exception MultipleObjectsReturned
- denominator
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- id
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- measure
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- numerator
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- objects = <django.db.models.manager.Manager object>
- period
Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aForwardManyToOneDescriptor
- period_id
- sql = '\n SELECT\n -- row_number() OVER... creates an artificial "pk" column, without which Django will protest\n row_number() OVER (ORDER BY period.id) AS id,\n period.id AS period_id,\n indicator.measure as measure,\n sum((update.value) :: DECIMAL(20,2)) AS value,\n sum((update.numerator) :: DECIMAL(20,2)) AS numerator,\n sum((update.denominator) :: DECIMAL(20,2)) AS denominator\n FROM\n rsr_indicatorperiod period,\n rsr_indicator indicator,\n rsr_indicatorperioddata update\n WHERE\n (\n (((indicator.id = period.indicator_id) AND\n (period.id = update.period_id)) AND\n ((update.status) :: TEXT = \'A\' :: TEXT)) AND\n ((update.value) :: TEXT ~ \'^\\d+\\.?\\d{0,2}$\' :: TEXT OR update.value IS NULL)\n )\n GROUP BY period.id, indicator.measure;\n'
- value
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- class akvo.rsr.models.result.PeriodDisaggregation(id, indicator, period, dimension_name, dimension_value, value, numerator, denominator)[source]
- exception DoesNotExist
- exception MultipleObjectsReturned
- denominator
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- dimension_name
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- dimension_value
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- id
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- indicator
Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aForwardManyToOneDescriptor
- indicator_id
- numerator
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- objects = <django.db.models.manager.Manager object>
- period
Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aForwardManyToOneDescriptor
- period_id
- sql = '\n WITH aggregated_disaggs AS (\n SELECT\n update.period_id,\n disagg.dimension_value_id,\n sum((disagg.value) :: DECIMAL(20,2)) AS value,\n sum((disagg.numerator) :: DECIMAL(20,2)) AS numerator,\n sum((disagg.denominator) :: DECIMAL(20,2)) AS denominator\n FROM\n rsr_disaggregation disagg,\n rsr_indicatorperioddata "update"\n WHERE\n update.status = \'A\' AND\n disagg.update_id = update.id\n GROUP BY\n disagg.dimension_value_id, update.period_id\n ),\n period_disaggs AS (\n SELECT DISTINCT\n indicator.id AS indicator_id,\n period.id AS period_id,\n dimensionname.name AS dimension_name,\n dimensionvalue.value AS dimension_value,\n agg.value,\n agg.numerator,\n agg.denominator\n FROM\n rsr_indicator indicator,\n rsr_indicatorperiod period,\n rsr_indicator_dimension_names indicator_dimensions,\n aggregated_disaggs agg,\n rsr_indicatordimensionname dimensionname,\n rsr_indicatordimensionvalue dimensionvalue\n WHERE\n indicator.id = period.indicator_id AND\n period.id = agg.period_id AND\n dimensionvalue.id = agg.dimension_value_id AND\n dimensionname.id = dimensionvalue.name_id AND\n indicator_dimensions.indicatordimensionname_id = dimensionname.id AND\n indicator_dimensions.indicator_id = indicator.id\n )\n SELECT\n row_number() OVER (ORDER BY indicator_id) AS id,\n *\n FROM period_disaggs\n'
- value
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- class akvo.rsr.models.result.Result(id, project, title, type, aggregation_status, description, parent_result, order)[source]
- exception DoesNotExist
- exception MultipleObjectsReturned
- aggregation_status
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- child_results
Accessor to the related objects manager on the reverse side of a many-to-one relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aReverseManyToOneDescriptor
instance.Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by
defined below.
- clean()[source]
Hook for doing any extra model-wide validation after clean() has been called on every field by self.clean_fields. Any ValidationError raised by this method will not be associated with a particular field; it will have a special-case association with the field defined by NON_FIELD_ERRORS.
- delete(*args, **kwargs)[source]
Check if indicator is ordered manually, and cascade following indicators if needed
- description
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- get_type_display(*, field=<akvo.rsr.fields.ValidXMLCharField: type>)
- id
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- indicators
Accessor to the related objects manager on the reverse side of a many-to-one relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aReverseManyToOneDescriptor
instance.Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by
defined below.
- objects = <django.db.models.manager.Manager object>
- order
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- parent_result
Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aForwardManyToOneDescriptor
- parent_result_id
- project
Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.
In the example:
class Child(Model): parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')
is aForwardManyToOneDescriptor
- project_id
- title
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- type
A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.
- akvo.rsr.models.result.custom_field module
- akvo.rsr.models.result.default_period module
- akvo.rsr.models.result.disaggregation module
- akvo.rsr.models.result.disaggregation_aggregation module
- akvo.rsr.models.result.disaggregation_contribution module
- akvo.rsr.models.result.disaggregation_contribution_handler module
- akvo.rsr.models.result.disaggregation_target module
- akvo.rsr.models.result.indicator module
- akvo.rsr.models.result.indicator_dimension module
- akvo.rsr.models.result.indicator_disaggregation_target module
- akvo.rsr.models.result.indicator_label module
- akvo.rsr.models.result.indicator_period module
- akvo.rsr.models.result.indicator_period_actual_location module
- akvo.rsr.models.result.indicator_period_aggregation module
- akvo.rsr.models.result.indicator_period_data module
- akvo.rsr.models.result.indicator_period_data_comment module
- akvo.rsr.models.result.indicator_period_disaggregation module
- akvo.rsr.models.result.indicator_period_label module
- akvo.rsr.models.result.indicator_period_target_location module
- akvo.rsr.models.result.indicator_reference module
- akvo.rsr.models.result.narrative_report module
- akvo.rsr.models.result.result module
- akvo.rsr.models.result.utils module