Source code for akvo.scripts.cordaid.cordaid_project_upload

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Akvo RSR is covered by the GNU Affero General Public License.
# See more details in the license.txt file located at the root folder of the Akvo RSR module.
# For additional details on the GNU license please see < >.

import collections
import getopt
import itertools
import os
import sys

from lxml import etree
from os.path import join, pardir
from tastypie.http import HttpCreated, HttpNoContent

project_root = join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), *[pardir] * 3)

os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'akvo.settings'

from akvo.scripts.cordaid import (
from .requester import Requester

XML_LANG = "{}lang"

[docs]def check_activity_language(activity_element): """Checks whether the activity element has an xml:lang tag. If so, look for identical elements (with identical attributes) and check if there is an element containing the xml:lang of the activity element or one element without a xml:lang tag. In these cases, all other elements are removed.""" def compare_dicts(dict1, dict2): """Compares two dicts while ignoring xml:lang attribute. Returns True if they're the same and False otherwise.""" dict1_extra = 0 dict2_extra = 0 # Check if xml:lang attribute is present in one dict and missing in the other if XML_LANG in dict1 and XML_LANG not in dict2: dict1_extra += 1 elif XML_LANG in dict2 and XML_LANG not in dict1: dict2_extra += 1 # Return False if the number of shared attributes is different shared_keys = set(dict1.keys()) & set(dict2.keys()) if not (len(shared_keys) == len(dict1) - dict1_extra and len(shared_keys) == len(dict2) - dict2_extra): return False # Return True if all attributes are similar dicts_are_equal = True for key in dict1: if key != XML_LANG: dicts_are_equal = dicts_are_equal and (dict1[key] == dict2[key]) return dicts_are_equal def check_lang(element, lang): """Check if the element has the xml:lang corresponding to the activity language or no xml:lang attribute. Return True if so, False otherwise.""" if XML_LANG not in element.attrib: return True elif element.attrib[XML_LANG].lower() == lang: return True return False if XML_LANG in activity_element.attrib: lang = activity_element.attrib[XML_LANG].lower() # For each element in the activity for element in activity_element.iter(): # Look up the elements' children and count their number of appearances child_tag_list = [child.tag for child in list(element.iterchildren())] child_tag_list_counter = collections.Counter(child_tag_list) multiple_children_list = [i for i in child_tag_list_counter if child_tag_list_counter[i] > 1] # For all children that appear multiple times for child_tag in multiple_children_list: children = element.findall(child_tag) # Make a comparison for all combinations for child1, child2 in itertools.combinations(children, 2): if compare_dicts(child1.attrib, child2.attrib): # Remove element if xml:lang differs from activity language and there is another element # that does match the xml:lang or does not have a xml:lang specified. if check_lang(child1, lang) and not check_lang(child2, lang): element.remove(child2) elif not check_lang(child1, lang) and check_lang(child2, lang): element.remove(child1) return activity_element
[docs]def post_an_activity(activity_element, user): try: iati_id = activity_element.findall('iati-identifier')[0].text activity_element = check_activity_language(activity_element) project = Requester( method='post', url_template="http://{domain}/api/{api_version}/iati_activity/" "?format=xml&api_key={api_key}&username={username}", url_args=user, headers={'content-type': 'application/xml', 'encoding': 'utf-8'}, data=etree.tostring(activity_element), accept_codes=[HttpCreated.status_code] ) except Exception as e: return False, "{extra}", dict( iati_id=iati_id, event=ERROR_EXCEPTION, extra=str(e), ) if project.response.text: return False, "**** Error creating iati-activity: {iati_id}", dict( iati_id=iati_id, event=ERROR_CREATE_ACTIVITY, extra=project.response.text ) elif project.response.status_code is HttpCreated.status_code: return True, "Created project for iati-activity: {iati_id}", dict( iati_id=iati_id, event=ACTION_CREATE_PROJECT ) else: return ( False, "**** Error creating iati-activity: {iati_id}. HTTP status code: {extra}", dict( iati_id=iati_id, event=ERROR_UPLOAD_ACTIVITY, extra=project.response.status_code, ) )
# root[i].findall('iati-identifier')[0].text
[docs]def put_an_activity(activity_element, pk, url_args): "NOTE: does not work!!!" url_args.update(pk=pk) try: iati_id = activity_element.findall('iati-identifier')[0].text activity_element = check_activity_language(activity_element) project = Requester( method='put', url_template="http://{domain}/api/{api_version}/iati_activity/{pk}/?" "format=xml&api_key={api_key}&username={username}", url_args=url_args, headers={'content-type': 'application/xml', 'encoding': 'utf-8'}, data=etree.tostring(activity_element), accept_codes=[HttpNoContent.status_code] ) except Exception as e: return False, "{extra}", dict( iati_id=iati_id, event=ERROR_EXCEPTION, extra=str(e) ) if project.response.text: return False, "**** Error creating iati-activity: {iati_id}", dict( iati_id=iati_id, event=ERROR_UPDATE_ACTIVITY, extra=project.response.text ) elif project.response.status_code is HttpNoContent.status_code: return True, "Updated project for iati-activity: {iati_id} (Akvo pk: {pk})", dict( iati_id=iati_id, event=ACTION_UPDATE_PROJECT, pk=pk ) else: return ( False, "**** Error updating iati-activity: {iati_id}. HTTP status code: {extra}", dict( iati_id=iati_id, event=ERROR_UPLOAD_ACTIVITY, extra=project.response.status_code, ) )
[docs]def usage(script_name): print( "\nUsage: %s <domain> <username> [options]\n\n" " <domain> The domain you are posting to, e.g.\n" " <username> Your Akvo account username\n\n" " Options (note that either PWD or KEY must be supplied):\n" " -h, --help show this message\n\n" " -p PWD, --password=PWD\n" " Supply your Akvo account password\n\n" " -k KEY, --api_key=KEY\n" " Supply the API key generated in your Akvo user profile\n" % script_name)
[docs]def api_user(domain, username, password='', api_key=''): user = dict(domain=domain, username=username, api_version=API_VERSION,) if api_key: user['api_key'] = api_key return user elif password: auth = Requester( method='post', url_template="http://{domain}/auth/token/", url_args=dict(domain=domain), data=dict(username=username, password=password), ) xml = auth.response.text root = etree.fromstring(xml) user['api_key'] = root.find("api_key").text return user else: raise Exception("Either password or API key must be supplied")
[docs]def credentials_from_args(argv): try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "hp:k:", ["help", "password=", "api_key="]) except getopt.GetoptError as e: print(str(e)) usage(argv[0]) sys.exit(2) kwargs = {} for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ("-h", "--help"): usage(argv[0]) sys.exit() # TODO: see if it's possible to suppress password echoing in terminal elif opt in ("-p", "--password"): kwargs['password'] = arg elif opt in ("-k", "--api_key"): kwargs['api_key'] = arg try: domain = args[0] username = args[1] except IndexError: usage(argv[0]) sys.exit(2) try: user = api_user(domain, username, **kwargs) return user except Exception as e: print("{message}".format(message=e)) usage(argv[0]) return None
[docs]def get_project_count(user, **q_args): """ query the API for projects associated with a given internal_id """ url_args = user url_args.update( extra_args="&".join( ["{}={}".format(item[0], item[1]) for item in q_args.items()] ) ) try: project = Requester( url_template="http://{domain}/api/{api_version}/project/?" "format=json&api_key={api_key}&username={username}&{extra_args}", url_args=url_args ) except Exception as e: print("{message}".format(message=e)) return False, None return True, project
[docs]def upload_activities(argv): user = credentials_from_args(argv) if user: with open(CORDAID_IATI_ACTIVITIES_XML, 'r') as f: root = etree.fromstring( document_akvo_ns = '{akvo_ns}'.format(akvo_ns=root.nsmap['akvo']) assert document_akvo_ns == AKVO_NS, "Akvo name space is incorrect in the IATI XML" activities = root.findall('iati-activity') activity_count = len(activities) for i in range(activity_count): internal_id = activities[i].get(AKVO_NS + 'internal-project-id') iati_id = activities[i].findall('iati-identifier')[0].text print("({current} of {activity_count}) Processing activity {iati_id}".format(current=i + 1, activity_count=activity_count, iati_id=iati_id), end=' ') if len(activities[i].findall('participating-org')) > 0: if internal_id: ok, project = get_project_count(user, **dict(partnerships__internal_id=internal_id)) elif iati_id: ok, project = get_project_count(user, **dict(iati_activity_id=iati_id)) if not ok: continue # error msg already output project_count = project.response.json()['meta']['total_count'] if project_count == 0: ok, message, data = post_an_activity(activities[i], user) log(message, data) print(message.format(**data)) elif project_count == 1: pk = project.response.json()['objects'][0]['id'] ok, message, data = put_an_activity(activities[i], pk, user) log(message, data) print(message.format(**data)) elif project_count > 1: data = dict(iati_id=iati_id, event=ERROR_MULTIPLE_OBJECTS, extra=internal_id) log(None, data) print( "**** Error updating iati-activity: {iati_id}. " "More than one project with internal ID {extra} exists.".format(**data) ) else: message = "Iati-activity {iati_id} has no participating-orgs, aborting" data = dict(iati_id=iati_id, event=ERROR_NO_ORGS,) log(message, data) print(message.format(**data))
if __name__ == '__main__': upload_activities(sys.argv) log_file = init_log(CORDAID_UPLOAD_CSV_FILE) names = ('iati_id', 'pk', 'event', 'extra') print_log(log_file, names)