Source code for akvo.rsr.usecases.django_q.schedules

import logging
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Dict, List, Set

from django.conf import settings
from django.db.models import QuerySet
from django.db.transaction import atomic
from django_q.models import Schedule
from rest_framework.serializers import ModelSerializer

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@dataclass class SyncAction: """ The operations to be done on the DB in order to sync the django-q schedules from the settings with the existing django-q schedules in the DB """ to_add: List[Schedule] to_modify: List[Schedule] to_delete: List[Schedule] def __str__(self): return "SyncAction(to_add=%(to_add)s, to_modify=%(to_modify)s, to_delete=%(to_delete)s)" % dict( to_add=len(self.to_add), to_modify=len(self.to_modify), to_delete=len(self.to_delete), )
[docs]class ScheduleSerializer(ModelSerializer):
[docs] class Meta: model = Schedule fields = [ "name", "func", "args", "kwargs", "cron", ]
[docs]def sync_with_settings(): """ Synchronizes the django-q schedules in the DB with those defined in the app settings """ schedules = get_setting_schedules()"Got {len(schedules)} schedules from settings") sync_action = calc_sync(schedules, list(Schedule.objects.all()))"Sync actions: {sync_action}") db_schedules = apply_sync(sync_action)"Schedules in DB {db_schedules.count()}")
[docs]def get_setting_schedules() -> List[Schedule]: """ Converts the schedules configuration in the app settings to django-q schedule objects """ data = [] for key, schedule_conf in settings.AKVO_JOBS.items(): args = schedule_conf.get("args") if args is None: args = tuple() # Being explicit here as django-q does this implicitly before calling the func elif not isinstance(args, tuple): args = (args, ) conf = { **schedule_conf, "name": key, # stored as strings in DB "args": str(args), "kwargs": str(schedule_conf.get("kwargs") or {}), } data.append(conf) serializer = ScheduleSerializer(data=data, many=True) serializer.is_valid(raise_exception=True) return [Schedule(schedule_type=Schedule.CRON, **item) for item in serializer.validated_data]
[docs]def calc_sync(setting_schedules: List[Schedule], db_schedules: List[Schedule] = None) -> SyncAction: """ Calculates the operations that have to be taken in order to sync the schedules in the settings with the schedules in the db """ if db_schedules is None: db_schedules = list(Schedule.objects.all()) in_map: Dict[str, Schedule] = { schedule for schedule in setting_schedules} db_map: Dict[str, Schedule] = { schedule for schedule in db_schedules} in_set: Set[str] = set(in_map.keys()) db_set: Set[str] = set(db_map.keys()) def getter(_dict): return lambda item: _dict.get(item) to_add = list(map(getter(in_map), in_set - db_set)) to_delete = list(map(getter(db_map), db_set - in_set)) # Update the db loaded objects with the fields from the settings to_modify = [] for name in in_set.intersection(db_set): db_schedule = db_map[name] settings_schedule = in_map[name] for field in ScheduleSerializer.Meta.fields: setattr(db_schedule, field, getattr(settings_schedule, field)) to_modify.append(db_schedule) return SyncAction( to_add=to_add, to_modify=to_modify, to_delete=to_delete, )
[docs]@atomic def apply_sync(action: SyncAction) -> QuerySet[Schedule]: """ Applies the operations required to sync the schedules in the settings with the schedules in the DB """ Schedule.objects.bulk_create(action.to_add) Schedule.objects.filter(id__in=[ for schedule in action.to_delete]).delete() Schedule.objects.bulk_update(action.to_modify, fields=ScheduleSerializer.Meta.fields) return Schedule.objects.all()