Source code for akvo.rsr.signals

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Akvo RSR is covered by the GNU Affero General Public License.
# See more details in the license.txt file located at the root folder of the Akvo RSR module.
# For additional details on the GNU license please see < >.

import logging
import os

from django.contrib.admin.models import ADDITION, CHANGE
from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
from django.contrib.auth.models import Group
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
from django.core.files.uploadedfile import InMemoryUploadedFile
from django.apps import apps
from django.db.models import Q
from django.utils import timezone

from sorl.thumbnail import ImageField

from akvo.utils import rsr_send_mail, rsr_send_mail_to_users, get_report_thumbnail, save_image

logger = logging.getLogger('akvo.rsr')

[docs]def create_publishing_status(sender, **kwargs): """ called when a new project is saved so an associated published record for the project is created """ # Disable signal handler when loading fixtures if kwargs.get('raw', False): return # kwargs['raw'] is True when we're running loaddata from .models import PublishingStatus if kwargs.get('created', False) and not kwargs.get('raw', False): new_project = kwargs['instance'] ps = apps.get_model('rsr', 'publishingstatus')(status=PublishingStatus.STATUS_UNPUBLISHED) ps.project = new_project
[docs]def create_organisation_account(sender, **kwargs): """ called when a new organisation is saved so an associated org account is created with the "free" level of access to widgets """ # Disable signal handler when loading fixtures if kwargs.get('raw', False): return # kwargs['raw'] is True when we're running loaddata if kwargs.get('created', False) and not kwargs.get('raw', False): new_org = kwargs['instance'] OrganisationAccount = apps.get_model('rsr', 'OrganisationAccount') try: # this should never work OrganisationAccount.objects.get(organisation=new_org) except OrganisationAccount.DoesNotExist: # and when it doesn't we do this new_acc = OrganisationAccount(organisation=new_org, account_level=OrganisationAccount.ACCOUNT_FREE)
[docs]def change_name_of_file_on_create(sender, **kwargs): """ call to create a filename when creating a new model instance with the pattern ModelName_instance.pk_FieldName_YYYY-MM-DD_HH.MM.SS.ext Since we cannot do this until the instance of the model has been saved we do it as a post_save signal callback """ # Disable signal handler when loading fixtures if kwargs.get('raw', False): return from .models import ProjectUpdate # kwargs['raw'] is True when we're running loaddata if kwargs.get('created', False) and not kwargs.get('raw', False): instance = kwargs['instance'] opts = instance._meta for f in opts.fields: # extend this list of fields if needed to catch other uploads if isinstance(f, ImageField): # the actual image sits directly on the instance of the model img = getattr(instance, if img: img_name = "%s_%s_%s_%s%s" % ( opts.object_name, or '',,"%Y-%m-%d_%H.%M.%S"), os.path.splitext([1], ) save_image(img, img_name, # Create thumbnail for use in reports if sender == ProjectUpdate: get_report_thumbnail(img)
[docs]def change_name_of_file_on_change(sender, **kwargs): """ call to create a filename when saving the changes of a model with the pattern ModelName_instance.pk_FieldName_YYYY-MM-DD_HH.MM.SS.ext this is done before saving the model """ # Disable signal handler when loading fixtures if kwargs.get('raw', False): return from .models import ProjectUpdate if not kwargs.get('created', False): instance = kwargs['instance'] opts = instance._meta for f in opts.fields: # extend this list of fields if needed to catch other uploads if isinstance(f, ImageField): img = getattr(instance, # if a new image is uploaded it resides in a InMemoryUploadedFile if img: try: if isinstance(img.file, InMemoryUploadedFile): = "%s_%s_%s_%s%s" % ( opts.object_name, or '',,"%Y-%m-%d_%H.%M.%S"), os.path.splitext([1], ) # Create thumbnail for use in reports if sender == ProjectUpdate: get_report_thumbnail(img) except Exception: pass
[docs]def set_showcase_project(instance, created, **kwargs): # Disable signal handler when loading fixtures if kwargs.get('raw', False): return Project = apps.get_model('rsr', 'Project') if instance.showcase: Project.objects.exclude(
[docs]def set_focus_org(instance, created, **kwargs): # Disable signal handler when loading fixtures if kwargs.get('raw', False): return Organisation = apps.get_model('rsr', 'Organisation') if instance.focus_org: Organisation.objects.exclude(
[docs]def create_benchmark_objects(project): """ create the relevant Benchmark objects for this project based on the Categories of the project """
# Benchmarks are not used anymore # from .models import Benchmark # # for category in project.categories.all(): # for benchmarkname in category.benchmarknames.all(): # benchmark, created = Benchmark.objects.get_or_create(project=project, # category=category, name=benchmarkname, defaults={'value': 0})
[docs]def act_on_log_entry(sender, **kwargs): """ catch the LogEntry post_save to grab newly added Project instances and create Benchmark objects for it we do this at this time to be able to work with a fully populated Project instance """ # Disable signal handler when loading fixtures if kwargs.get('raw', False): return CRITERIA = [ {'app': 'rsr', 'model': 'project', 'action': ADDITION, 'call': create_benchmark_objects}, {'app': 'rsr', 'model': 'project', 'action': CHANGE, 'call': create_benchmark_objects}, ] if kwargs.get('created', False) and not kwargs.get('raw', False): log_entry = kwargs['instance'] content_type = ContentType.objects.get(pk=log_entry.content_type_id) for criterion in CRITERIA: if ( content_type.app_label == criterion['app'] and content_type.model == criterion['model'] and log_entry.action_flag == criterion['action'] ): object = content_type.get_object_for_this_type(pk=log_entry.object_id) criterion['call'](object)
[docs]def employment_pre_save(sender, **kwargs): """ This signal intends to send a mail to the user when his/her account has been approved. This signal also sets 'Users' Group for the employment if no group has been set A mail will be sent when: - A new employment is created with is_approved = True. * We assume this happens when an existing user is invited for a new organisation. - An existing employment is updated from is_approved = False changed to True. * We assume this happens when an existing user has requested to join an organisation himself. """ # Disable signal handler when loading fixtures if kwargs.get('raw', False): return # FIXME: The actual save may fail. Why are emails being sent pre_save?! employment = kwargs.get("instance", None) if not employment: return # If this is an employment with a shadow org, don't send email if employment.organisation.original is not None: return # Set the group to 'Users' when no group has been specified if not = Group.objects.get(name='Users') try: obj = sender.objects.get( except sender.DoesNotExist: # Employment is new, send mail when it is also approved if employment.is_approved: rsr_send_mail( [], subject='registration/approved_added_email_subject.txt', message='registration/approved_added_email_message.txt', subject_context={ 'organisation': employment.organisation, }, msg_context={ 'user': employment.user, 'organisation': employment.organisation, } ) else: # Employment already exists, send mail when it wasn't approved before, but is approved now. if not obj.is_approved and employment.is_approved: rsr_send_mail( [], subject='registration/approved_request_email_subject.txt', message='registration/approved_request_email_message.txt', subject_context={ 'organisation': employment.organisation, }, msg_context={ 'user': employment.user, 'organisation': employment.organisation, } )
[docs]def employment_post_save(sender, **kwargs): """ For all employments: - Set User to is_staff (for admin access) when the employment is approved and the Group is set to 'Project Editors', 'User managers' or 'Admins', or when the user is a superuser or general admin. If a new employment is created for an active user of which the employment is not approved yet: - Inform RSR support users, organisation admins and organisation user managers of the request """ # Disable signal handler when loading fixtures if kwargs.get('raw', False): return # Retrieve all user groups and the employment project_editors_group = Group.objects.get(name='Project Editors') user_managers_group = Group.objects.get(name='User Managers') admins_group = Group.objects.get(name='Admins') employment = kwargs.get("instance", None) if not employment: return # If this is an employment with a shadow org, don't send email if employment.organisation.original is not None: return user = employment.user # Set user to staff when in a certain group if ( in [project_editors_group, user_managers_group, admins_group] and employment.is_approved) or user.is_superuser or user.is_admin: user.is_staff = True # Send an 'Organisation request' mail when an employment has been newly created, the # user is active and the employment has not been approved yet. if kwargs['created'] and user.is_active and not employment.is_approved: organisation = employment.organisation # Retrieve all active support users active_support_users = get_user_model().objects.filter(is_active=True, is_support=True) # General (support) admins will always be informed admin_users = active_support_users.filter(is_admin=True) # As well as organisation (+ content owners) User managers and Admins employer_users = active_support_users.filter( employers__organisation__in=organisation.content_owned_by(), employers__group__in=[user_managers_group, admins_group] ) notify = active_support_users.filter( Q(pk__in=admin_users.values_list('pk', flat=True)) | Q(pk__in=employer_users.values_list('pk', flat=True)) ).exclude( rsr_send_mail_to_users( notify, subject='registration/user_organisation_request_subject.txt', message='registration/user_organisation_request_message.txt', subject_context={ 'user': user, 'organisation': organisation }, msg_context={ 'user': user, 'organisation': organisation }, )
[docs]def update_project_budget(sender, **kwargs): """ called when BudgetItem objects are added/changed/deleted """ # Disable signal handler when loading fixtures if kwargs.get('raw', False): return # kwargs['raw'] is True when we're running loaddata if not kwargs.get('raw', False): try: kwargs['instance'].project.update_budget() kwargs['instance'].project.update_funds() kwargs['instance'].project.update_funds_needed() except ObjectDoesNotExist: # this happens when a project is deleted, and thus any invoices linked to it go the # same way. pass
[docs]def update_project_funding(sender, **kwargs): """ called when Partnership objects are added/changed/deleted """ # Disable signal handler when loading fixtures if kwargs.get('raw', False): return # kwargs['raw'] is True when we're running loaddata if not kwargs.get('raw', False): try: Project = apps.get_model('rsr', 'project') project = Project.objects.get(id=kwargs['instance'].project_id) project.update_funds() project.update_funds_needed() except ObjectDoesNotExist: # this happens when a project is deleted, and thus any invoices linked to it go the # same way. pass