Source code for akvo.rsr.models.tree.usecases

import copy
from typing import List

from django.db import transaction
from django_ltree.fields import PathValue

from akvo.rsr.models.tree.errors import NodeIsSame, ParentIsSame, TreeWillBreak
from akvo.rsr.models.tree.model import AkvoTreeModel

[docs]@transaction.atomic def set_parent(node: AkvoTreeModel, new_parent: AkvoTreeModel, force: bool = False): """Only force if you're sure you won't break anything!""" old_path = copy.deepcopy(node.path) node.set_parent(new_parent, force).save() descendants = update_descendant_parents(old_path, node, force) node.manager.bulk_update(descendants, ["path"])
[docs]def check_set_parent(node: AkvoTreeModel, new_parent: AkvoTreeModel): # Ensure that new_parent is in the DB if not raise node.DoesNotExist("New parent not in DB") if node.uuid == new_parent.uuid: raise NodeIsSame() old_parent_uuid = node.get_parent_uuid() if old_parent_uuid and (old_parent_uuid == new_parent.uuid): raise ParentIsSame() if new_parent in node.descendants(): raise TreeWillBreak("New parent is a descendant")
[docs]@transaction.atomic() def delete_parent(node: AkvoTreeModel) -> AkvoTreeModel: """ Delete parent and update the descendants """ if not node.has_ancestors: return node old_path = node.path.copy() node.delete_parent().save() update_descendant_parents(old_path, node) return node
[docs]def update_descendant_parents(old_path: PathValue, new_parent: AkvoTreeModel, force: bool = False) -> List[AkvoTreeModel]: """ Basically updates a given tree and makes this node the parent Made private as it has the potential to destroy trees and shouldn't be called willy-nilly. :param old_path: The old path to this node that can be used to find old descendants :param new_parent: :param force: For the parent to be set and don't do checks :return: The updated descendants (may or may not be reflected in the DB depending on `save`) """ descendant_lookup = {new_parent.uuid: new_parent} descendants = [] for descendant in new_parent.manager.descendants(old_path).order_by("path"): descendant_lookup[descendant.uuid] = descendant parent = descendant_lookup[descendant.get_parent_uuid()] descendant.set_parent(parent, force) descendants.append(descendant) return descendants