from functools import cached_property
from typing import Optional
from uuid import UUID, uuid4
from django.db import models
from django.db.models.signals import pre_save
from django.dispatch import receiver
from django_ltree.fields import PathValue
from django_ltree.models import TreeModel
from .helpers import label_to_uuid, uuid_to_label
from .managers import AkvoTreeManager, AkvoTreeQuerySet
[docs]class AkvoTreeModel(TreeModel):
objects = AkvoTreeManager()
uuid = models.UUIDField(editable=False, default=uuid4, unique=True)
def manager(self) -> AkvoTreeManager:
return type(self)._default_manager
def has_ancestors(self) -> bool:
return len(self.path) > 1
[docs] def ancestors(self, with_self=True) -> AkvoTreeQuerySet:
Get ancestors sorted by closest to farthest
That means parent, then parent's parent, etc.
ancestors = super().ancestors().order_by("-path")
if not with_self:
return ancestors.exclude(
return ancestors
[docs] def parent(self) -> Optional["AkvoTreeModel"]:
if self.has_ancestors:
return self.ancestors(with_self=False).first()
[docs] def get_parent_uuid(self) -> Optional[UUID]:
if len(self.path) > 1:
return label_to_uuid(self.path[-2])
[docs] def get_root(self) -> "AkvoTreeModel":
Get the root node of a tree, which can be the node itself
if len(self.path) > 1:
return self.manager.get(uuid=label_to_uuid(self.path[0]))
return self
[docs] def descendants(self, max_depth: int = None, with_self: bool = True):
All sub-nodes and their subnodes and so on
:param max_depth: Max amount of levels
:param with_self: Include self in the result
descendants = self.manager.descendants(self.path, with_self=with_self)
if max_depth:
return descendants.filter(path__depth__lte=len(self.path) + max_depth)
return descendants
[docs] def set_parent(self, new_parent: "AkvoTreeModel", force: bool = False) -> "AkvoTreeModel":
Add this node as a child to a parent
There's NO a check if this is possible.
Use the helper if you want checks
parent_path = new_parent.path.copy()
self.path = parent_path
return self
[docs] def delete_parent(self):
Basically removes all parents
self.path = PathValue(uuid_to_label(self.uuid))
return self
def set_path(sender, **kwargs):
Set path for new AkvoTreeModels
A new AkvoTreeModel doesn't have a path set yet and it's mandatory.
if not issubclass(sender, AkvoTreeModel):
project: AkvoTreeModel = kwargs['instance']
if project.path:
project.path = PathValue(uuid_to_label(project.uuid))