Source code for akvo.rsr.models.project_thumbnail

import re
from typing import Optional

from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.db import models
from timeout_decorator import timeout as timeout_dec

from akvo.rsr.models import Project
from akvo.utils import get_thumbnail

GEOMETRY_RE = re.compile(r"\d+x\d+")

[docs]def validate_geometry_string(string: str): if not GEOMETRY_RE.match(string): raise ValidationError("Geometry must have the format <number>x<number>")
[docs]class ProjectThumbnail(models.Model): project = models.ForeignKey(Project, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name="thumbnails") geometry = models.CharField(max_length=100, validators=[validate_geometry_string]) url = models.URLField() # URL to the full image # Also serves as a cache for filtering full_size_url = models.URLField() class Meta: unique_together = ["project", "full_size_url", "geometry"]
[docs]def get_cached_thumbnail( project: Project, geometry: str, prefetched: bool = True, timeout: float = 0.5 ) -> Optional[ProjectThumbnail]: """ Gets a project's thumbnail with the given geometry The ProjectThumbnail table acts as a cache for the thumbnail URLs so if the thumbnail with given geometry doesn't exist, it'll have to be generated. :param prefetched: If the project was retrieved with QuerySet.prefetch_related If so, no DB query will be necessary should the thumbnail exist """ if not (project.current_image and project.current_image.url): return full_size_url = project.current_image.url if prefetched: # Can't use QuerySet.filter() on prefetched querysets thumb = next( iter( t for t in project.thumbnails.all() if t.full_size_url == full_size_url and t.geometry == geometry ), None ) else: thumb = project.thumbnails.filter( full_size_url=full_size_url, geometry=geometry ).first() if not thumb: # Cache the thumbnail timeout_get_thumbnail = timeout_dec(timeout)(get_thumbnail) thumbnail = timeout_get_thumbnail(project.current_image, geometry, crop="smart", quality=99) thumb = project.thumbnails.create( geometry=geometry, url=thumbnail.url, full_size_url=full_size_url ) return thumb