Source code for akvo.rsr.models.partner_site

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Akvo RSR is covered by the GNU Affero General Public License.

See more details in the license.txt file located at the root folder of the Akvo RSR module.
For additional details on the GNU license please see < >.

from django.conf import settings
from django.db import models
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _

from akvo.rsr.validators import hostname_validator
from akvo.utils import rsr_show_keywords

from ..fields import NullCharField, ValidXMLCharField, ValidXMLTextField
from ..mixins import TimestampsMixin

[docs]def about_image_path(instance, file_name): """Return absolute image path.""" return 'db/partner_sites/%s/image/%s' % (instance.hostname, file_name)
[docs]def custom_css_path(instance, filename): """Return custom css path.""" return 'db/partner_sites/%s/custom.css' % instance.hostname
[docs]def custom_favicon_path(instance, filename): """Return custom favicon path.""" return 'db/partner_sites/%s/favicon.ico' % instance.hostname
[docs]def custom_logo_path(instance, filename): """Return custom logo path.""" return 'db/partner_sites/%s/logo/%s' % (instance.hostname, filename)
[docs]def custom_map_marker_path(instance, filename): """Return custom map marker path.""" return 'db/partner_sites/%s/map-marker/%s' % (instance.hostname, filename)
[docs]class PartnerSite(TimestampsMixin): """Model makes it possible to cater different data sets based on request's hostname."""
[docs] def show_keywords(self): """Return keywords for PartnerSite.""" return rsr_show_keywords(self)
show_keywords.short_description = 'Keywords' show_keywords.allow_tags = True show_keywords.admin_order_field = 'keywords' organisation = models.ForeignKey( 'Organisation', on_delete=models.CASCADE, verbose_name=_('organisation'), help_text=_('Select your organisation from the drop-down list.')) program = models.ForeignKey( 'ProjectHierarchy', on_delete=models.SET_NULL, null=True, blank=True, help_text=_('Select your program from the drop-down list.')) notes = ValidXMLTextField(verbose_name=_('Akvo page notes'), blank=True, default='') hostname = models.CharField( _('hostname'), max_length=50, unique=True, help_text=_( '<p>Your hostname is used in the default web address of your Akvo page. ' 'The web address created from the hostname <em>myorganisation</em> would be ' '<em></em>.</p>' ), validators=[hostname_validator] ) cname = NullCharField( _('CNAME'), max_length=100, unique=True, blank=True, null=True, help_text=_( '<p>Enter a custom domain name for accessing the Akvo page, for example ' '<i></i>. Optional. Requires additional DNS setup.</p>' ) ) redirect_cname = models.BooleanField( default=False, help_text=_("Indicate if we should redirect to the Hostname when the request is " "made to the CNAME. This is for sites that don't yet have a valid TLS " "certificate for the CNAME.") ) custom_return_url = models.URLField( _('Return URL'), blank=True, help_text=_( '<p>Enter the full URL (including http://) for the page to which users ' 'should be returned when leaving the Akvo page.</p>' ) ) custom_return_url_text = ValidXMLCharField( _('Return URL text'), blank=True, max_length=50, default='', help_text=_( '<p>Enter a text for the back button and return URL. ' 'Leave empty to display "Back to <em>myorganisation</em>".</p>' ) ) piwik_id = models.UUIDField(_('Piwik analytics ID'), default=None, null=True, blank=True) custom_css = models.FileField(_('stylesheet'), blank=True, upload_to=custom_css_path) custom_logo = models.FileField( _('organisation banner logo'), blank=True, upload_to=custom_logo_path, help_text=_( '<p>Upload a logo file for the logo at the top of the Akvo page. By default ' 'logo of the organisation belonging to the Akvo Page will be displayed.</p>' ) ) custom_map_marker = models.FileField( _('map marker'), blank=True, upload_to=custom_map_marker_path, help_text=_( 'Upload an image file to use as the map marker' ) ) custom_favicon = models.FileField( _('favicon'), blank=True, upload_to=custom_favicon_path, help_text=_( '<p>A favicon (.ico file) is the 16x16 pixel image shown inside the browser\'s ' 'location bar, on tabs and in the bookmark menu.</p>' ) ) show_keyword_logos = models.BooleanField(_('Show keyword logos on project pages'), default=False) about_box = ValidXMLTextField( _('about box text'), max_length=500, blank=True, help_text=_( 'Enter HTML that will make up the top left box of the home page. (500 characters)' '<p>' ' Any text added should be wrapped in 2 &lt;div&gt; tags, an outer one specifying ' ' position and width of the text, and an inner for formatting of the text .' '</p>' '<p>' ' The Outer &lt;div&gt; tag can use the classes <code>quarter, half, ' ' three_quarters and full</code> to specify the' ' width of the text. It can use the classes <code>bottom</code> and ' ' <code>right</code> to specify a position other than top left.' '</p>' '<p>' ' The Inner &lt;div&gt; tag can use the class <code>text_bg</code> to create a ' ' semi-transparent text background if a background image will be uploaded. ' ' Any other inline styles can also be used within the inner &lt;div&gt;. The ' ' tags &lt;h1&gt;, &lt;h3&gt;, &lt;h5&gt; and &lt;a&gt; are blue, while ' ' &lt;p&gt; tags are black by default. Use the classes <code>first</code> and ' ' <code>last</code> with &lt;p&gt; tags to reduce the margins above or below ' ' respectively.' '</p>' '<p>' ' Add additional styling inline, or upload a .css stylesheet in the Stylesheet ' ' setting above. <em>Tip:</em> When using a .css file, use the #about_box ID ' ' selector to apply a style only to the About box.' '</p>' ) ) about_image = models.ImageField( _('about box image'), blank=True, upload_to=about_image_path, help_text=_( '<p>The optional background image for the About box ' '<em>must</em> be 470 pixels wide and 250 pixels tall.</p>' ) ) tagline = models.CharField(_('tagline'), max_length=100, blank=True, null=True) enabled = models.BooleanField(_('enabled'), default=True) password = models.CharField(_('password'), max_length=100, blank=True, null=True) default_language = ValidXMLCharField( _('Site UI default language'), max_length=5, choices=settings.RSR_LANGUAGES, default=settings.LANGUAGE_CODE) ui_translation = models.BooleanField(_('Translate user interface'), default=False) google_translation = models.BooleanField(_('Google translation widget'), default=False) facebook_button = models.BooleanField(_('Facebook share button'), default=False) twitter_button = models.BooleanField(_('Twitter share button'), default=False) facebook_app_id = ValidXMLCharField( _('Facebook App Id'), max_length=40, blank=True, null=True, help_text=_( '<p>Your FaceBook app id is used when sharing pages from your partner site. ' 'It can be obtained by creating a Facebook app, which will let you monitor when your ' 'pages are referenced. Follow the instructions ' '<a href="' 'social-06.html">here</a>' ) ) partner_projects = models.BooleanField( _('Show only projects of partner'), default=True, help_text=_('Uncheck to list all projects on this Akvo page.') ) keywords = models.ManyToManyField( 'Keyword', verbose_name=_('keywords'), related_name='partnersites', blank=True) exclude_keywords = models.BooleanField( _('Exclude projects with selected keyword(s)'), default=False) all_maps = models.BooleanField( _('Show all projects, updates and organisations on the maps.'), default=False ) def __str__(self): """Unicode representation.""" return _('Akvo page for {}').format(
[docs] def save(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.hostname: self.hostname = self.hostname.lower().strip() super(PartnerSite, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def updates(self): """All updates of all projects of the Page""" return self.projects().all_updates()
[docs] def partners(self): """All partner organisations of all projects of the Page""" return self.projects().all_partners()
[docs] def all_projects(self): """All projects of the Page""" from .project import Project if self.program: # Get all projects of a program fk_projects = self.program.root_project.descendants(with_self=True) elif self.partner_projects: # Get all projects associated via the Page's organisation fk_projects = self.organisation.all_projects() else: fk_projects = Project.objects.all() # Add (or remove) projects via keywords return self.apply_keywords(fk_projects)
@property def show_private_projects(self): """Show private projects if a password has been set.""" return bool(self.password)
[docs] def projects(self): """Publicly published projects of the page.""" all_published = self.all_projects().published() return all_published if self.show_private_projects else all_published.public()
[docs] def apply_keywords(self, projects): """Apply keywords to the Page's projects.""" keywords = self.keywords.all() if not keywords: return projects # Either exclude or include projects via keyword association if self.exclude_keywords: return projects.exclude(keywords__in=keywords) else: return projects.filter(keywords__in=keywords)
@property def logo(self): """Return logo.""" return self.custom_logo or None @property def return_url(self): """Return custom url or /.""" return self.custom_return_url or "/" @property def stylesheet(self): """Return stylesheet.""" return self.custom_css or None @property def map_marker(self): """Return full path to map marker if it exists.""" if not self.custom_map_marker: return None return '{}{}'.format(settings.MEDIA_URL, self.custom_map_marker) @property def favicon(self): """Return favicon.""" return self.custom_favicon or None @property def full_domain(self): """Return full domain.""" return '%s.%s' % (self.hostname, getattr(settings, 'AKVOAPP_DOMAIN', ''))
[docs] def get_absolute_url(self): """Return absolute url.""" url = '' # TODO: consider the ramifications of get_absolute_url using CNAME if available if self.cname: return self.cname protocol = 'http' if getattr(settings, 'HTTPS_SUPPORT', True): protocol = '%ss' % protocol url = '%s://%s/' % (protocol, self.full_domain) return url
[docs] def is_cname_request(self, netloc): return netloc == self.cname
[docs] @classmethod def yank_hostname(cls, netloc): """Get <partner1> from <>. From a netloc return what is stored as "hostname" on the PartnerSite model. """ return netloc.replace('.{}'.format(settings.AKVOAPP_DOMAIN), '')
class Meta: app_label = 'rsr' verbose_name = _('Akvo page') verbose_name_plural = _('Akvo pages') ordering = ('organisation__name',)