# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Akvo RSR is covered by the GNU Affero General Public License.
# See more details in the license.txt file located at the root folder of the Akvo RSR module.
# For additional details on the GNU license please see < http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html >.
from django.conf import settings
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.db import models
from django.db.models import Sum, Q, signals
from django.dispatch import receiver
from django.urls import reverse
from django.utils.functional import cached_property
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from django_q.tasks import async_task
from sorl.thumbnail.fields import ImageField
from akvo.password_policy.models import PolicyConfig
from akvo.utils import codelist_choices, codelist_name, rsr_image_path
from akvo.rsr.usecases.toggle_org_enforce_2fa import toggle_enfore_2fa
from ..mixins import TimestampsMixin
from ..fields import ValidXMLCharField, ValidXMLTextField
from akvo.codelists.store.default_codelists import CURRENCY, ORGANISATION_TYPE
from akvo.codelists.models import Currency
from .country import Country
from .model_querysets.organisation import OrgManager
from .partner_site import PartnerSite
from .partnership import Partnership
from .publishing_status import PublishingStatus
from .project_update import ProjectUpdate
(ORG_TYPE_GOV, _('Governmental')),
(ORG_TYPE_COM, _('Commercial')),
(ORG_TYPE_KNO, _('Knowledge institution')),
[docs]def image_path(instance, file_name):
return rsr_image_path(instance, file_name, 'db/org/%(instance_pk)s/%(file_name)s')
[docs]class Organisation(TimestampsMixin):
There are four types of organisations in RSR, called Field,
Support, Funding and Sponsor partner respectively.
[docs] @classmethod
def org_type_from_iati_type(cls, iati_type):
""" utility that maps the IATI organisation types to the old Akvo organisation types
types = dict(zip([int(type) for type, name in ORGANISATION_TYPE[1:]],
return types[iati_type]
name = ValidXMLCharField(
_('name'), max_length=40, db_index=True, unique=True,
help_text=_('Short name which will appear in organisation and partner listings '
'(25 characters).')
long_name = ValidXMLCharField(
_('long name'), max_length=100, db_index=True, unique=True,
help_text=_('Full name of organisation (75 characters).'),
language = ValidXMLCharField(
_('language'), max_length=2, choices=settings.RSR_LANGUAGES, default='en',
help_text=_('The main language of the organisation'),
organisation_type = ValidXMLCharField(
_('organisation type'), max_length=1, db_index=True, choices=ORG_TYPES, blank=True,
currency = ValidXMLCharField(
_('currency'), choices=codelist_choices(CURRENCY), max_length=3, default='EUR',
help_text=_('The default currency for this organisation. Used in all financial '
'aspects of the organisation.')
new_organisation_type = models.IntegerField(
_('IATI organisation type'), db_index=True,
choices=[(int(c[0]), c[1]) for c in codelist_choices(ORGANISATION_TYPE)],
default=22, help_text=_('Check that this field is set to an organisation type that '
'matches your organisation.'),
iati_org_id = ValidXMLCharField(
_('IATI organisation ID'), max_length=75, blank=True, null=True, db_index=True,
unique=True, default=None
internal_org_ids = models.ManyToManyField(
'self', through='InternalOrganisationID', symmetrical=False,
logo = ImageField(_('logo'), blank=True, upload_to=image_path,
help_text=_('Logos should be approximately 360x270 pixels '
'(approx. 100-200kB in size) on a white background.')
url = models.URLField(
help_text=_('Enter the full address of your web site, beginning with http://.'),
facebook = models.URLField(
help_text=_('Enter the full address of your Facebook page, beginning with http://.'),
twitter = models.URLField(
help_text=_('Enter the full address of your Twitter feed, beginning with http://.'),
linkedin = models.URLField(
help_text=_('Enter the full address of your LinkedIn page, beginning with http://.'),
phone = ValidXMLCharField(
_('phone'), blank=True, max_length=20, help_text=_('(20 characters).')
mobile = ValidXMLCharField(
_('mobile'), blank=True, max_length=20, help_text=_('(20 characters).')
fax = ValidXMLCharField(
_('fax'), blank=True, max_length=20, help_text=_('(20 characters).')
contact_person = ValidXMLCharField(
_('contact person'), blank=True, max_length=30,
help_text=_('Name of external contact person for your organisation (30 characters).'),
contact_email = ValidXMLCharField(
_('contact email'), blank=True, max_length=50,
help_text=_('Email to which inquiries about your organisation should be sent '
'(50 characters).'),
description = ValidXMLTextField(
_('description'), blank=True, help_text=_('Describe your organisation.')
notes = ValidXMLTextField(verbose_name=_("Notes and comments"), blank=True, default='')
primary_location = models.ForeignKey(
'OrganisationLocation', null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL
can_create_projects = models.BooleanField(
help_text=_('Partner editors of this organisation can create new projects, and publish '
'projects it is a partner of.')
enforce_program_projects = models.BooleanField(
help_text=_('Enforce creation of projects only under programs. If the organisation has '
'explicitly set a content owner, this flag remains in sync with the content owner'))
use_project_roles = models.BooleanField(
verbose_name=_(u"use project roles"),
help_text=_(u'Projects with this organisation as reporting partner will use project'
u'roles for permissions instead of employment based permissions'))
content_owner = models.ForeignKey(
'self', null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL,
help_text=_('Organisation that maintains content for this organisation through the API.')
original = models.OneToOneField('self', related_name='shadow', null=True, blank=True,
help_text='Pointer to original organisation if this is a '
'shadow. Used by EUTF')
public_iati_file = models.BooleanField(
_('Show latest exported IATI file on organisation page.'), default=True
enforce_2fa = models.BooleanField(
_('Enforce 2-Factor-Authentication'), default=False,
help_text=_('Enfore related users (through employment or project access) to enable their 2FA'),
password_policy = models.ForeignKey(
PolicyConfig, null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL,
help_text='Password policies config for employees of this organization.'
# TODO: Should be removed
can_become_reporting = models.BooleanField(
help_text=_('Organisation is allowed to become a reporting organisation. '
'Can be set by superusers.'),
iati_prefixes = ValidXMLCharField(
_('IATI identifier prefixes'), max_length=2000, blank=True, null=True,
help_text=_('This is a ; separated list of IATI identifier prefixes used by projects'
'where the organisation is a reporting partner.')
codelist = models.ForeignKey(
'OrganisationCodelist', null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL
objects = OrgManager()
[docs] def get_absolute_url(self):
return reverse('organisation-main', kwargs={'organisation_id': self.pk})
def cacheable_url(self):
return self.get_absolute_url()
def canonical_name(self):
return self.long_name or self.name
__original_enforce_2fa = False
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.__original_enforce_2fa = self.enforce_2fa
[docs] def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
if self.enforce_2fa != self.__original_enforce_2fa:
async_task(toggle_enfore_2fa, self)
super().save(*args, **kwargs)
self.__original_enforce_2fa = self.enforce_2fa
[docs] def clean(self):
"""Organisations can only be saved when we're sure that they do not exist already."""
validation_errors = {}
name = self.name.strip()
long_name = self.long_name.strip()
iati_org_id = self.iati_org_id.strip() if self.iati_org_id else None
names = Organisation.objects.filter(name__iexact=name)
long_names = Organisation.objects.filter(long_name__iexact=long_name)
ids = Organisation.objects.filter(iati_org_id__iexact=iati_org_id)
if self.pk:
names = names.exclude(pk=self.pk)
long_names = long_names.exclude(pk=self.pk)
ids = ids.exclude(pk=self.pk)
if name and names.exists():
validation_errors['name'] = '{}: {}'.format(
_('An Organisation with this name already exists'), name)
elif not name:
# This prevents organisation names with only spaces
validation_errors['name'] = _('Organisation name may not be blank')
if long_name and long_names.exists():
validation_errors['long_name'] = '{}: {}'.format(
_('An Organisation with this long name already exists'), long_name)
elif not long_name:
# This prevents organisation long names with only spaces
validation_errors['long_name'] = _('Organisation long name may not be blank')
if iati_org_id and ids:
validation_errors['iati_org_id'] = '{}: {}'.format(
_('An Organisation with this IATI organisation identifier already exists'), ids[0].name)
if validation_errors:
raise ValidationError(validation_errors)
def __str__(self):
return self.name
[docs] def iati_org_type(self):
return dict(ORGANISATION_TYPE)[str(self.new_organisation_type)] if \
self.new_organisation_type else ""
[docs] def iati_org_type_unicode(self):
return str(self.iati_org_type())
[docs] def partnersites(self):
"returns the partnersites belonging to the organisation in a PartnerSite queryset"
return PartnerSite.objects.filter(organisation=self)
[docs] def website(self):
return '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (self.url, self.url,)
website.allow_tags = True
[docs] def all_users(self):
"returns a queryset of all users belonging to the organisation"
return self.users.all()
[docs] def published_projects(self, only_public=True):
"returns a queryset with published projects that has self as any kind of partner"
projects = self.projects.published().distinct()
return projects.public() if only_public else projects
[docs] def all_projects(self):
"""returns a queryset with all projects that has self as any kind of partner."""
return self.projects.distinct()
[docs] @staticmethod
def all_updates_filter(org_id):
"""Returns a Q object for filtering updates for an organisation."""
return Q(user__organisations__id=org_id, project__partners__id=org_id)
[docs] def all_updates(self):
"""Returns a queryset with all updates of the organisation.
Updates of the organisation are updates which have been:
1. Posted by users employed by the organisation AND
2. Posted on projects where the organisation is a partner.
return ProjectUpdate.objects.filter(Organisation.all_updates_filter(self.id)).distinct()
[docs] def public_updates(self):
"""Returns a queryset with public updates of the organisation."""
all_updates = self.all_updates()
return all_updates.filter(project__in=self.published_projects()).distinct()
[docs] def reporting_on_projects(self):
"""returns a queryset with all projects that has self as reporting organisation."""
return self.projects.filter(
[docs] def active_projects(self):
return self.published_projects().status_not_cancelled().status_not_archived()
[docs] def partners(self):
Returns a queryset of all organisations that self has at least one project
in common with, excluding self.
return self.all_projects().all_partners().exclude(id__exact=self.id)
[docs] def support_partners(self):
Returns a queryset of support partners that self has at least one project
in common with, excluding self.
return self.all_projects().support_partners().exclude(id__exact=self.id)
[docs] def field_partners(self):
Returns an Organisation queryset of field partners of which self has at least
one project in common with.
return self.all_projects().field_partners().exclude(id__exact=self.id)
[docs] def has_partner_types(self, project):
"""Return a list of partner types of this organisation to the project"""
return [
dict(Partnership.IATI_ROLES)[role] for role in Partnership.objects.filter(
).values_list('iati_organisation_role', flat=True)
[docs] def content_owned_organisations(self, exclude_orgs=None):
Returns a list of Organisations of which this organisation is the content owner.
Includes self and is recursive.
org = Organisation.objects.get(pk=self.pk)
queryset = Organisation.objects.filter(pk=org.pk)
# If the organisation is a paying partner, add all implementing
# partners to the queryset
if org.can_create_projects:
field_partners = org.all_projects().field_partners().exclude(can_create_projects=True)
queryset = Organisation.objects.filter(
Q(pk=org.id) | Q(pk__in=field_partners.values_list('pk', flat=True))
kids = Organisation.objects.filter(content_owner_id=org.id).exclude(id=org.id)
if exclude_orgs is not None:
kids = kids.exclude(pk__in=exclude_orgs)
if kids.exists():
exclude_orgs = Organisation.objects.filter(Q(pk=self.pk) | Q(pk__in=kids))
grand_kids = kids.content_owned_organisations(exclude_orgs=exclude_orgs)
kids_content_owned_orgs = Organisation.objects.filter(
Q(pk__in=queryset.values_list('pk', flat=True))
| Q(pk__in=kids.values_list('pk', flat=True))
| Q(pk__in=grand_kids.values_list('pk', flat=True))
return kids_content_owned_orgs
return queryset
[docs] def content_owned_by(self):
Returns a list of Organisations of which this organisation is content owned by. Basically
the reverse of content_owned_organisations(). Includes self.
# Always select the organisation itself and the organisation that is specifically set as
# content owner of the organisation.
if self.content_owner:
queryset = Organisation.objects.filter(pk__in=[self.pk, self.content_owner.pk])
queryset = Organisation.objects.filter(pk=self.pk)
# In case this partner is not a paying partner, find all projects where this partner is
# implementing partner and add the paying partners of those projects to the queryset.
if not self.can_create_projects:
from akvo.rsr.models import Project
implementing_partnerships = Partnership.objects.filter(
iati_organisation_role=Partnership.IATI_IMPLEMENTING_PARTNER, organisation=self)
implementing_ids = implementing_partnerships.values_list('project', flat=True)
projects = Project.objects.filter(id__in=implementing_ids)
paying_partners = projects.paying_partners()
queryset = Organisation.objects.filter(
Q(pk__in=queryset.values_list('pk', flat=True))
| Q(pk__in=paying_partners.values_list('pk', flat=True))
return queryset.distinct()
[docs] def get_original(self):
"Returns the original org if self is a shadow org"
return self.original if self.original else self
[docs] def countries_where_active(self):
"""Returns a Country queryset of countries where this organisation has
published projects."""
return Country.objects.filter(
[docs] def organisation_countries(self):
"""Returns a list of the organisations countries."""
countries = []
for location in self.locations.all():
if location.iati_country:
return countries
[docs] def iati_file(self):
Looks up the latest public IATI file of this organisation.
:return: String of IATI file or None
for export in self.iati_exports.filter(latest=True, status=3).order_by('-last_modified_at'):
if export.iati_file:
return export.iati_file
return None
[docs] def iati_file_unicode(self):
return str(self.iati_file())
# New API
[docs] def has_multiple_project_currencies(self):
"Check if organisation has projects with different currencies"
if self.active_projects().distinct().count() == self.org_currency_projects_count():
return False
return True
[docs] def currency_label(self):
return codelist_name(Currency, self, 'currency')
[docs] def amount_pledged(self):
"How much the organisation has pledged to projects in default currency"
return self.active_projects().filter(currency=self.currency).filter(
)['amount_pledged'] or 0
[docs] def org_currency_projects_count(self):
"How many projects with budget in default currency the organisation is a partner to"
return self.active_projects().filter(currency=self.currency).distinct().count()
def _aggregate_funds_needed(self, projects):
return sum(projects.values_list('funds_needed', flat=True))
[docs] def org_currency_funds_needed(self):
"""How much is still needed to fully fund all projects with default currency budget that the
organisation is a partner to.
The ORM aggregate() doesn't work here since we may have multiple partnership relations
to the same project."""
return self._aggregate_funds_needed(self.active_projects().filter(currency=self.currency).distinct())
class Meta:
app_label = 'rsr'
verbose_name = _('organisation')
verbose_name_plural = _('organisations')
permissions = (
('user_management', 'Can manage users'),
[docs]@receiver(signals.post_save, sender=Organisation)
def enforce_projects_creation_under_programs(sender, **kwargs):
"""Keep the flag enforce_program_projects in sync for content owned orgs.
*NOTE*: We only change the flag for organisations that directly set this
organisation as a content owner explicitly. Implicit content owned
organisations are not touched.
# Disable signal handler when loading fixtures
if kwargs.get('raw', False):
org = kwargs['instance']
# Organisation with content_owner is always in sync with the content_owner,
# if they have one set explicitly.
if org.content_owner and org.enforce_program_projects != org.content_owner.enforce_program_projects:
org.enforce_program_projects = org.content_owner.enforce_program_projects