# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Akvo Reporting is covered by the GNU Affero General Public License.
# See more details in the license.txt file located at the root folder of the Akvo RSR module.
# For additional details on the GNU license please see < http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html >.
from akvo.rsr.fields import ValidXMLCharField
from akvo.codelists.models import HumanitarianScopeType, HumanitarianScopeVocabulary
from akvo.codelists.store.default_codelists import (HUMANITARIAN_SCOPE_TYPE,
from akvo.utils import codelist_choices, codelist_value
from django.db import models
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
[docs]class HumanitarianScope(models.Model):
project = models.ForeignKey('Project', on_delete=models.CASCADE, verbose_name=_('project'),
code = ValidXMLCharField(
_('humanitarian scope code'), blank=True, max_length=25,
help_text=_('A code for the event or action from the vocabulary specified. More '
'information on the vocabularies can be found here: '
'<a href="http://glidenumber.net/glide/public/search/search.jsp" '
'target="_blank">Glide</a> and '
'<a href="http://fts.unocha.org/docs/IATICodelist_HS2-1.csv" '
'target="_blank">Humanitarian plan</a>.'))
type = ValidXMLCharField(
_('humanitarian scope type'), blank=True, max_length=1,
help_text=_('The type of event or action being classified. See the '
'<a href="http://iatistandard.org/202/codelists/HumanitarianScopeType/" '
'target="_blank">IATI codelist</a>.'))
vocabulary = ValidXMLCharField(
_('humanitarian scope vocabulary'), blank=True, max_length=3,
help_text=_('A recognised vocabulary of terms classifying the event or action. See the '
'<a href="http://iatistandard.org/202/codelists/HumanitarianScopeVocabulary/" '
'target="_blank">IATI codelist</a>.'))
vocabulary_uri = ValidXMLCharField(
_('humanitarian scope vocabulary URI'), blank=True, max_length=1000,
help_text=_('If the vocabulary is 99 (reporting organisation), the URI where this '
'internal vocabulary is defined.'))
text = ValidXMLCharField(_('humanitarian scope description'), blank=True, max_length=1000,
help_text=_('Optionally enter a description.'))
class Meta:
app_label = 'rsr'
verbose_name = _('humanitarian scope')
verbose_name_plural = _('humanitarian scopes')
ordering = ('pk',)
def __str__(self):
if self.text:
return self.text
elif self.code:
return self.code
return ''
[docs] def iati_type(self):
return codelist_value(HumanitarianScopeType, self, 'type')
[docs] def iati_type_unicode(self):
return str(self.iati_type())
[docs] def iati_vocabulary(self):
return codelist_value(HumanitarianScopeVocabulary, self, 'vocabulary')
[docs] def iati_vocabulary_unicode(self):
return str(self.iati_vocabulary())