# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Akvo RSR is covered by the GNU Affero General Public License.
# See more details in the license.txt file located at the root folder of the Akvo RSR module.
# For additional details on the GNU license please see < http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html >.
from django.db import models
from django.core.validators import MaxValueValidator, MinValueValidator
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from ..fields import ValidXMLCharField
from akvo.codelists import models as codelist_models
from akvo.codelists.store.default_codelists import COUNTRY
from akvo.utils import codelist_choices, codelist_value
[docs]class Country(models.Model):
name = ValidXMLCharField(_('country name'), max_length=50, unique=True, db_index=True)
iso_code = ValidXMLCharField(
_('ISO 3166 code'), max_length=2, unique=True, db_index=True, choices=ISO_3166_COUNTRIES
continent = ValidXMLCharField(_('continent name'), max_length=20, db_index=True)
continent_code = ValidXMLCharField(
_('continent code'), max_length=2, db_index=True, choices=CONTINENTS
def __str__(self):
return self.name
[docs] @classmethod
def fields_from_iso_code(cls, iso_code):
continent_code = COUNTRY_CONTINENTS[iso_code]
name = dict(ISO_3166_COUNTRIES)[iso_code]
continent = dict(CONTINENTS)[continent_code]
return dict(
iso_code=iso_code, name=name, continent=continent, continent_code=continent_code
class Meta:
app_label = 'rsr'
verbose_name = _('country')
verbose_name_plural = _('countries')
ordering = ['name']
[docs]class RecipientCountry(models.Model):
project = models.ForeignKey(
'Project', on_delete=models.CASCADE, verbose_name=_('project'), related_name='recipient_countries'
country = ValidXMLCharField(
_('recipient country'), blank=True, max_length=2, choices=codelist_choices(COUNTRY, show_code=False),
help_text=_('The country that benefits from the project.')
percentage = models.DecimalField(
_('recipient country percentage'), blank=True, null=True, max_digits=4, decimal_places=1,
validators=[MaxValueValidator(100), MinValueValidator(0)],
help_text=_('The percentage of total commitments or total activity budget allocated to '
'this country. Content must be a positive decimal number between 0 and 100, '
'with no percentage sign. Percentages for all reported countries and regions '
'MUST add up to 100%. Use a period to denote decimals.')
text = ValidXMLCharField(
_('recipient country description'), blank=True, max_length=50,
help_text=_('Enter additional information about the recipient country, if necessary.')
def __str__(self):
if self.country:
country_unicode = self.iati_country().name
except (AttributeError, codelist_models.Country.DoesNotExist):
country_unicode = self.country
country_unicode = '%s' % _('No country specified')
if self.percentage:
country_unicode += ' (%s%%)' % str(self.percentage)
return country_unicode
[docs] def iati_country(self):
return codelist_value(codelist_models.Country, self, 'country')
[docs] def iati_country_unicode(self):
return str(self.iati_country())
class Meta:
app_label = 'rsr'
verbose_name = _('recipient country')
verbose_name_plural = _('recipient countries')
ordering = ('-percentage', 'country')