Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Akvo Reporting is covered by the GNU Affero General Public License.
# See more details in the license.txt file located at the root folder of the Akvo RSR module.
# For additional details on the GNU license please see < >.

import copy
import csv
import re
from urllib.parse import urlparse

from import BaseCommand
from django.db.utils import DataError
from django.utils.text import slugify
from django.utils.translation import gettext as _

from import delete_project_from_project_directory_cache
from akvo.rsr.iso3166 import ISO_3166_COUNTRIES
from akvo.rsr.models import (
from akvo.utils import custom_get_or_create_country

COUNTRY_NAME_TO_ISO_MAP = {name: code for code, name in ISO_3166_COUNTRIES}
    _("Bolivia"): "bo",
    _("Cabo Verde"): "cv",
    _("Central Africa Republic"): "cf",
    _("Cost Rica"): "cr",
    _("Cote D'Ivoire"): "ci",
    _("Democratic People's Republic of Korea"): "kp",
    _("Democratic Republic of Congo"): "cd",
    _("Dominca"): "dm",
    _("Eswatini"): "sz",
    _("Gambia (Republic of The)"): "gm",
    _("Guinea Bissau"): "gw",
    _("Iran (Islamic Republic of)"): "ir",
    _("Libya"): "ly",
    _("Mazambique"): "mz",
    _("Micronesia (Federated States of)"): "fm",
    _("Naura"): "nr",
    _("North Macedonia"): "mk",
    _("Republic of Korea"): "kr",
    _("Republic of Moldova"): "md",
    _("Sri lanka"): "lk",
    _("Tajikstan"): "tj",
    _("Timor-Leste"): "tl",
    _("United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland"): "gb",
    _("United Republic of Tanzania"): "tz",
    _("United States of America"): "us",
    _("Viet Nam"): "vn",
    "9": _("Type of action"),
    "11": _("Role organisation"),
    "12": _("Responsible actor"),
    "13": _("Reporting"),
    "15": _("Geography"),
    "17": _("Source to sea"),
    "18": _("Lifecycle of plastics"),
    "19": _("Target action"),
    "20": _("Impact"),
    "21": _("Pollutant targeted"),
    "22": _("Sector"),
    "27": _("Funding"),
    "28": _("Duration"),
HIDE_IN_SEARCHBAR = {"5", "6", "9.d.viii", "10", "13.a", "13.b", "14"}

[docs]class Command(BaseCommand): help = "Script to import UNEP survey data to RSR projects"
[docs] def add_arguments(self, parser): parser.add_argument("UNEP_CSV", type=open, help="Path to the CSV file") parser.add_argument( "--start-line", type=int, default=1, help="Line to start importing from", ) parser.add_argument( "--delete-data", action="store_true", default=False, help="Flag to indicate deleting the created data at the end of the run. Useful for developers", ) parser.add_argument( "--debug", action="store_true", default=False, help="Flag to print more debug information", )
[docs] def handle(self, *args, **options): csv_file = options["UNEP_CSV"] delete_data = options["delete_data"] debug = options["debug"] data = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',') headers = next(data) # Ignore lines until the specified start start = options["start_line"] for i in range(1, start): next(data) unep = self.setup_unep() unep_keyword = self.setup_unep_keyword() self.setup_partnersite(unep, unep_keyword) for i, csv_line in enumerate(data, start=1): if debug: print(f'Processing row: {i}') importer = CSVToProject( unep, unep_keyword, headers, csv_line, delete_data=delete_data ) if delete_data: OrganisationCustomField.objects.filter( organisation__name="UNEP" ).delete()
[docs] def setup_unep(self): data = dict(long_name="UN Environment Programme") unep, _ = Organisation.objects.get_or_create( name="UNEP", defaults=data ) return unep
[docs] def setup_unep_keyword(self): keyword, _ = Keyword.objects.get_or_create(label="UNEP Marine Litter Stocktake") return keyword
[docs] def setup_partnersite(self, organisation, keyword): data = { "hostname": "unep", "password": "UNEP Demo", "tagline": "UNEP Demo", "partner_projects": False, } partnersite, _ = PartnerSite.objects.get_or_create( organisation=organisation, defaults=data ) if not in set(partnersite.keywords.values_list('pk', flat=True)): partnersite.keywords.add(keyword) return partnersite
[docs]class CSVToProject(object): def __init__(self, organisation, keyword, headers, data, delete_data=False): self.organisation = organisation self.keyword = keyword self.headers = headers = data self.responses = dict(zip(headers, data)) self.delete_data = delete_data self.is_narrative_submission = False
[docs] def run(self): if[3].strip().lower().startswith("no"): print("Ignoring survey since answers are not to best of particpants' knowledge") return self.project = self.get_or_create_project() if not self.is_narrative_submission: self.import_survey_reporter() self.import_action_count() self.import_type_of_action() self.import_organisation_role() self.import_implementor() self.import_reporting() self.import_impact_evaluation() self.import_geographical_focus() self.import_target_place() self.import_target_lifecycle() self.import_target_reduce_reuse_recycle() self.import_impact() self.import_target_pollutant() self.import_target_sector() self.import_funding() self.import_duration() self.import_links() else: self.import_survey_reporter() self.import_countries() self.import_links() print("#" * 30) if not self.delete_data: print("Created project: {}".format( print(self.project.title) print(self.project.subtitle) for cf in self.project.custom_fields.order_by("pk"): if cf.type == "dropdown": assert not cf.value print( print(" ", cf.dropdown_selection) else: assert cf.dropdown_selection is None print( print(" ", cf.value) print() print("#" * 30) delete_project_from_project_directory_cache( if self.delete_data: self.project.delete()
[docs] def fake_unique_response_number(self, title): return slugify(title)
[docs] def get_or_create_project(self): urn_field = "Unique Response Number" unique_response_number = self._get(urn_field) title = self._get("7. ")[:200] if not unique_response_number: unique_response_number = self.fake_unique_response_number(title) self.is_narrative_submission = True summary = self._get("8. ") custom_field = ProjectCustomField.objects.filter(name=urn_field, value=unique_response_number).first() if custom_field is not None: project = custom_field.project project.title = title project.project_plan_summary = summary['title', 'project_plan_summary']) # Delete all existing custom fields, so they are created again. ProjectCustomField.objects.filter(project=project).exclude( # Delete all existing locations ProjectLocation.objects.filter(location_target=project).delete() else: self.project = project = Project.objects.create( title=title, project_plan_summary=summary, is_public=True ) defaults = {"section": 1, "order": 1, "type": "text"} self._create_custom_field(urn_field, defaults, unique_response_number, None) if not in project.keywords.all().values_list('pk', flat=True): project.keywords.add(self.keyword) project.publish() return project
[docs] def import_survey_reporter(self): self._create_custom_text_field("4.d. ") fields = "5. ", "5.a. ", None dropdown_options = { "multiselect": False, "options": [ {"name": _("On behalf of an organisation")}, {"name": _("As an individual")}, {"name": _("Other"), "allow_extra_text": True}, ] } self._create_custom_dropdown_field(fields, dropdown_options) # FIXME: Could be a proper organisation if data is sanitized self._create_custom_text_field("5.b. ")
[docs] def import_action_count(self): fields = "6. ", None, None dropdown_options = { "multiselect": False, "options": [ {"name": _("Yes")}, {"name": _("No, I am returning to the survey to report on additional actions/activities")}, ], } self._create_custom_dropdown_field(fields, dropdown_options) self._create_custom_text_field("6.a. ")
[docs] def import_type_of_action(self): legislations_standards_rules = _("LEGISLATION, STANDARDS, RULES: e.g. agreeing new or changing rules or standards that others should comply with, new regulation, agreements, policies, economic instruments etc. including voluntary commitments.") working_with_people = _("WORKING WITH PEOPLE: Encouraging or enabling others (e.g., education, training, communication, awareness raising, behaviour change programmes") technology_and_processes = _("TECHNOLOGY and PROCESSES: New technical developments/innovation (e.g., research and development, new product design, new materials, processes etc.) changes in practice, operations, environmental management and planning.") monitoring_and_analysis = _("MONITORING and ANALYSIS: Collecting evidence around plastic discharge to the ocean/waterways? (e.g. monitoring, analysis)") awareness_raising = _("Awareness raising and Behaviour change") research_and_development = _("Research and Development") education = _("Education/Training") curriculum_development = _("Curriculum development") other = _("Other") sub_fields = { legislations_standards_rules: ("9.a. ", "9.a.i. ", None), working_with_people: ( "9.b. ", "9.b.i. ", { awareness_raising: ("9.b.ii. ", "9.b.ii.a. ", None), education: ( "9.b.iii. ", "9.b.iii.a. ", {curriculum_development: ("9.b.iii.b. ", "9.b.iii.b.i. ", None)}, ), }, ), technology_and_processes: ( "9.c. ", "9.c.i. ", {research_and_development: ("9.c.ii. ", "9.c.ii.a. ", None)}, ), monitoring_and_analysis: ( "9.d. ", "9.d.i. ", None ), } fields = ("9. ", None, sub_fields) dropdown_options = { "multiselect": False, "options": [ { "name": legislations_standards_rules, "multiselect": True, "options": [ {"name": _("Official agreements")}, {"name": _("Policy change or development")}, {"name": _("High-level strategy")}, {"name": _("Legislation or regulations")}, {"name": _("Voluntary commitments")}, {"name": _("New standard(s) or guideline(s)")}, {"name": _("Change in Taxes/Subsidies")}, {"name": _("Subsidy/financial incentives")}, {"name": _("Ban(s)")}, {"name": _("Package of measures combining incentives and infrastructure (e.g. deposit reward schemes)")}, {"name": _("Other"), "allow_extra_text": True}, ], }, { "name": working_with_people, "multiselect": True, "options": [ { "name": awareness_raising, "multiselect": True, "options": [ {"name": _("Information campaign")}, {"name": _("Behaviour change campaign/programme")}, {"name": _("Community Engagement")}, {"name": _("Stakeholder Engagement")}, {"name": _("Citizen Science")}, {"name": _("Creative/arts event; exhibition")}, {"name": _("Other"), "allow_extra_text": True}, ], }, { "name": education, "multiselect": True, "options": [ { "name": curriculum_development, "multiselect": True, "options": [ {"name": _("Primary school")}, {"name": _("Secondary school")}, {"name": _("Tertiary higher education")}, {"name": _("Other"), "allow_extra_text": True}, ], }, {"name": _("Professional skills training")}, {"name": _("Other training programmes")}, {"name": _("Life-long learning")}, {"name": _("Institutional development")}, {"name": _("Other"), "allow_extra_text": True}, ], }, {"name": _("Workshops")}, {"name": _("Conferences")}, {"name": _("Other"), "allow_extra_text": True}, ], }, { "name": technology_and_processes, "multiselect": True, "options": [ {"name": _("New product design")}, {"name": _("Change in service provision")}, {"name": _("Environmental social planning")}, {"name": _("Change in practice")}, {"name": _("Change in operations")}, {"name": _("Industrial or production standard")}, {"name": _("Different environmental management of land based environments")}, {"name": _("Different environmental management of aquatic environments")}, { "name": research_and_development, "options": [ {"name": _("Reducing the environmental impact")}, {"name": _("Developing a new material")}, {"name": _("Developing a new process")}, {"name": _("Manufacturing and Production")}, {"name": _("Standards")}, {"name": _("Waste Management")}, {"name": _("Compostable plastic")}, {"name": _("Bio-based plastic")}, {"name": _("Bio-degradable plastic")}, {"name": _("Other"), "allow_extra_text": True}, ], }, {"name": _("New infrastructure")}, {"name": _("The use of compostable plastic")}, {"name": _("The use of bio-based plastic")}, {"name": _("The use of biodegradable plastic")}, {"name": _("Other"), "allow_extra_text": True}, ], }, { "name": monitoring_and_analysis, "multiselect": True, "options": [ {"name": _("Monitoring: On or near ocean surface")}, {"name": _("Monitoring: Water column")}, {"name": _("Monitoring: On the seafloor")}, {"name": _("Monitoring: On the shoreline")}, {"name": _("Monitoring: In Biota")}, {"name": _("Monitoring: Air")}, {"name": _("Review and synthesis :Environmental")}, {"name": _("Review and synthesis: Economic")}, {"name": _("Review and synthesis: Materials")}, {"name": other, "allow_extra_text": True}, ], }, ], } self._create_custom_dropdown_field(fields, dropdown_options, required=True) survey_fields = ( "9.d.ii. ", "9.d.iii. ", "9.d.iv. ", "9.d.v. ", " ", "9.d.vii. ", ) for survey_field in survey_fields: self._create_custom_text_field(survey_field) # Data access fields = "9.d.viii. ", None, None dropdown_options = { "multiselect": False, "options": [ {"name": _("It is freely available and open source")}, {"name": _("It is available on request")}, {"name": _("It is not available")}, ], } self._create_custom_dropdown_field(fields, dropdown_options) survey_fields = ( "9.d.viii.a. ", "9.d.viii.b. ", ) for survey_field in survey_fields: self._create_custom_text_field(survey_field) # FIXME: Make these options the same as #9 legislations_standards_rules2 = _('LEGISLATION, STANDARDS, RULES: e.g. agreeing new or changing rules or standards that others should comply with, new regulation, agreements, policies, economic instruments etc. including voluntary commitments') technology_and_processes2 = _('TECHNOLOGY and PROCESSES: New technical developments/innovation (e.g., research and development, new product design, new materials, processes etc.), changes in practice, operations, environmental management and planning') dropdown_options = { "multiselect": True, "options": [ {"name": legislations_standards_rules2}, {"name": working_with_people + ")"}, {"name": technology_and_processes2}, {"name": monitoring_and_analysis}, ], } fields = "10. ", None, None self._create_custom_dropdown_field(fields, dropdown_options)
[docs] def import_organisation_role(self): fields = ("11. ", "11.a. ", None) dropdown_options = { "multiselect": False, "options": [ {"name": _("We are only reporting it here")}, {"name": _("I/We developed it")}, {"name": _("I/We are implementing it")}, {"name": _("We are the funding body")}, {"name": _("Other"), "allow_extra_text": True}, ], } self._create_custom_dropdown_field(fields, dropdown_options)
[docs] def import_implementor(self): public_administration = _("PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION (organisations concerned with government policies and programmes)") private_sector = _("PRIVATE SECTOR ORGANISATION (for-profit organisations run by individuals and groups, free from government ownership).") third_sector = _("THIRD SECTOR (e.g. non-governmental and non-profit-making organisations, including charity groups, community groups etc).") sub_fields = { public_administration: ("12.b. ", "12.b.i. ", None), private_sector: ("12.c. ", "12.c.i. ", None), third_sector: ("12.d. ", "12.d.i. ", None), } fields = ("12. ", "12.a. ", sub_fields) dropdown_options = { "multiselect": True, "options": [ { "name": public_administration, "multiselect": True, "options": [ {"name": _("International body")}, {"name": _("National ministry/agency")}, {"name": _("Sub-national ministry/agency")}, {"name": _("Other"), "allow_extra_text": True}, ], }, { "name": private_sector, "multiselect": True, "options": [ {"name": _("Multinational Corporation")}, {"name": _("National Corporation")}, {"name": _("Small-medium sized enterprise")}, {"name": _("Other"), "allow_extra_text": True}, ], }, { "name": third_sector, "options": [ {"name": _("Non-governmental organisation")}, {"name": _("Community based organisation")}, {"name": _("Educational sector")}, {"name": _("Other"), "allow_extra_text": True}, ], }, {"name": _("Other"), "allow_extra_text": True}, ], } self._create_custom_dropdown_field(fields, dropdown_options, required=True)
[docs] def import_reporting(self): survey_field = ("13. ", None, None) dropdown_options = { "multiselect": False, "options": [ {"name": _("Yes")}, {"name": _("No")}, ], } self._create_custom_dropdown_field(survey_field, dropdown_options) # Yes, reporting fields = ("13.a. ", "13.a.i. ", None) dropdown_options = { "multiselect": False, "options": [ {"name": _("There is a mandatory reporting mechanism")}, {"name": _("Reporting is voluntary")}, {"name": _("Other"), "allow_extra_text": True}, ], } self._create_custom_dropdown_field(fields, dropdown_options) # Yes, reporting fields = ("13.b. ", "13.b.i. ", None) dropdown_options = { "multiselect": True, "options": [ {"name": _("There is no reporting mechanism")}, {"name": _("Reporting is voluntary")}, {"name": _("There is not enough resource to support reporting")}, {"name": _("Reporting is too effortful")}, {"name": _("Other"), "allow_extra_text": True}, ], } self._create_custom_dropdown_field(fields, dropdown_options)
[docs] def import_impact_evaluation(self): fields = ("14. ", "14.a. ", None) dropdown_options = { "multiselect": False, "options": [ {"name": _("Yes")}, {"name": _("No")}, {"name": _("Other"), "allow_extra_text": True}, ], } self._create_custom_dropdown_field(fields, dropdown_options)
[docs] def import_geographical_focus(self): fields = ("15. ", "15.a. ", None) dropdown_options = { "multiselect": False, "options": [ {"name": _("Global (it covers the whole world)")}, {"name": _("Regional (UN Regions)")}, {"name": _("Transnational (several countries are involved, including bilateral)")}, {"name": _("National (it covers one entire country)")}, {"name": _("Sub-national (it covers parts of one country)")}, {"name": _("Other"), "allow_extra_text": True}, ], } self._create_custom_dropdown_field(fields, dropdown_options) self.import_countries()
[docs] def import_countries(self): # FIXME: Make sure the inconsistencies in the country names are resolved, with TC team field = "16. " countries = self._get(field) # FIXME: Not sure what to do with All and Other fields. The TC team is # also currently ignoring these fields, and not doing anything with # these values. # other_field = "16.a. " db_countries = [] # Handle commas in the country names themselves countries = countries.replace(', ', '%%%') for name in countries.split(","): name = name.replace('%%%', ', ') if name in UNEP_NAME_TO_ISO_CODE: iso_code = UNEP_NAME_TO_ISO_CODE[name] elif name in COUNTRY_NAME_TO_ISO_MAP: iso_code = COUNTRY_NAME_TO_ISO_MAP[name] else: iso_code = None if iso_code is not None: country = custom_get_or_create_country(iso_code) db_countries.append(country) # Delete existing locations, before creating new ones ProjectLocation.objects.filter(location_target=self.project).delete() locations = [ ProjectLocation(country=country, location_target=self.project) for country in db_countries ] ProjectLocation.objects.bulk_create(locations)
[docs] def import_target_place(self): fields = ("17. ", "17.a. ", None) dropdown_options = { "multiselect": True, "options": [ {"name": _("Mountains and upland area")}, {"name": _("Agricultural land/soils")}, {"name": _("Entire water catchment")}, {"name": _("Forests or Mangroves")}, {"name": _("Freshwater rivers and lakes")}, {"name": _("Urban environment")}, {"name": _("Waste disposal sites")}, {"name": _("Coastal zone")}, {"name": _("Maritime area within national jurisdiction")}, {"name": _("Areas beyond national jurisdiction")}, {"name": _("Open ocean and high seas")}, {"name": _("Air")}, {"name": _("Other"), "allow_extra_text": True}, ], } self._create_custom_dropdown_field(fields, dropdown_options)
[docs] def import_target_lifecycle(self): fields = ("18. ", "18.a. ", None) dropdown_options = { "multiselect": True, "options": [ {"name": _("Raw materials")}, {"name": _("Design")}, {"name": _("Production / Manufacture")}, {"name": _("Use / consumption")}, {"name": _("Collection / sorting of plastics after use")}, {"name": _("Management of collected plastics")}, {"name": _("Clean-up of plastic from the environment")}, {"name": _("Other"), "allow_extra_text": True}, ], } self._create_custom_dropdown_field(fields, dropdown_options)
[docs] def import_target_reduce_reuse_recycle(self): fields = ("19. ", "19.a. ", None) dropdown_options = { "multiselect": True, "options": [ {"name": _("Reducing plastics")}, {"name": _("Reusing plastic")}, {"name": _("Recycling plastics")}, {"name": _("Other"), "allow_extra_text": True}, ], } self._create_custom_dropdown_field(fields, dropdown_options)
[docs] def import_impact(self): fields = ("20. ", "20.a. ", None) dropdown_options = { "multiselect": True, "options": [ {"name": _("Human health and wellbeing")}, {"name": _("Biodiversity")}, {"name": _("Marine organisms")}, {"name": _("Ecosystem Services")}, {"name": _("Food chain")}, {"name": _("Economics and Trade")}, {"name": _("Other"), "allow_extra_text": True}, ], } self._create_custom_dropdown_field(fields, dropdown_options)
[docs] def import_target_pollutant(self): survey_field = "21. " macroplastic = _("Macroplastic (large, more than 20 mm, e.g. plastic bottles)") microplastic = _("Microplastics (tiny plastic particles less than 5 mm in diameter, e.g., found in personal care products/synthetic textiles)") additives = _("Additives incorporated into plastic items") sub_fields = { macroplastic: ("21.b. ", "21.b.i. ", None), microplastic: ("21.c. ", "21.c.i. ", None), } fields = (survey_field, "21.a. ", sub_fields) dropdown_options = { "multiselect": True, "options": [ { "name": macroplastic, "multiselect": True, "options": [ {"name": _("Bottles")}, {"name": _("Plastic bags")}, {"name": _("Food packaging (containers, wrappers etc.)")}, {"name": _("Non-food packaging (containers, wrappers etc.)")}, {"name": _("Smoking related litter (cigarette butts and packets)")}, {"name": _("Fishing related items")}, {"name": _("Shipping related items")}, {"name": _("Cups (e.g., disposable coffee cups)")}, {"name": _("Plastic straws, stirrers, cutlery")}, {"name": _("Sewage-related items (this could include cotton bud sticks, feminine hygiene items and others disposed of via toilets)")}, {"name": _("Natural disaster/hazard related debris")}, {"name": _("Polystyrene items")}, {"name": _("Other"), "allow_extra_text": True}, ], }, { "name": microplastic, "multiselect": True, "options": [ {"name": _("Microbeads used in cosmetics")}, {"name": _("Microplastics used in other products e.g. paints")}, {"name": _("Other"), "allow_extra_text": True}, ], }, {"name": additives, "options": []}, {"name": _("Other"), "allow_extra_text": True}, ], } self._create_custom_dropdown_field(fields, dropdown_options)
[docs] def import_target_sector(self): fields = ("22. ", "22.a. ", None) dropdown_options = { "multiselect": True, "options": [ {"name": _("Packaging")}, {"name": _("Textiles")}, {"name": _("Transportation")}, {"name": _("Building, Construction, Demolition")}, {"name": _("Industrial Machinery")}, {"name": _("Automotive")}, {"name": _("Electrical and Electronics")}, {"name": _("Agriculture")}, {"name": _("Fisheries")}, {"name": _("Aquaculture")}, {"name": _("Food & Beverages")}, {"name": _("Personal Healthcare")}, {"name": _("Medical")}, {"name": _("Retail")}, {"name": _("Tourism")}, {"name": _("Wastewater/Sewage management")}, {"name": _("Other"), "allow_extra_text": True}, ], } self._create_custom_dropdown_field(fields, dropdown_options)
[docs] def import_funding(self): # Funding source survey_fields = ("23. ", "24. ", "25. ", "26. ") for survey_field in survey_fields: self._create_custom_text_field(survey_field) # Funding source dropdown fields = ("27. ", "27.a. ", None) dropdown_options = { "multiselect": True, "options": [ {"name": _("Crowdfunded")}, {"name": _("Voluntary donations")}, {"name": _("Public Financing")}, {"name": _("Private Sector")}, {"name": _("Mixed")}, {"name": _("Other"), "allow_extra_text": True}, ], } self._create_custom_dropdown_field(fields, dropdown_options) # Name of funding source self._create_custom_text_field("27.b. ")
[docs] def import_duration(self): fields = ("28. ", "28.a. ", None) dropdown_options = { "multiselect": False, "options": [ {"name": _("Single event")}, {"name": _("Continuous activity less than one year")}, {"name": _("Continuous activity 1-3 Years")}, {"name": _("Continuous activity more than 3 Years long")}, {"name": _("Not applicable")}, {"name": _("Other"), "allow_extra_text": True}, ], } self._create_custom_dropdown_field(fields, dropdown_options, required=True)
def _create_custom_field(self, name, defaults, value, selection): custom_field, _ = OrganisationCustomField.objects.update_or_create( organisation=self.organisation, name=name, defaults=defaults ) try: project_custom_field = ProjectCustomField.objects.get(name=name, project=self.project) except ProjectCustomField.DoesNotExist: project_custom_field = custom_field.new_project_custom_field( ) project_custom_field.dropdown_selection = selection project_custom_field.value = value return project_custom_field def _create_custom_dropdown_field(self, fields, dropdown_options, required=False): survey_field, _, _ = fields name = self._get_custom_field_name(survey_field) question_number = self._get_question_number(survey_field) defaults = { "section": 1, "order": 1, "type": "dropdown", "show_in_searchbar": question_number not in HIDE_IN_SEARCHBAR, "dropdown_options": copy.deepcopy(dropdown_options), } selection = self._get_selection(fields, dropdown_options) if required: assert selection, f"Selection is empty for required question {survey_field}" self._create_custom_field(name, defaults, "", selection) def _create_custom_text_field(self, survey_field): name = self._get_custom_field_name(survey_field) value = self._get(survey_field) defaults = {"section": 1, "order": 1, "type": "text"} self._create_custom_field(name, defaults, value, None) def _get(self, key_substring): key = self._search_key(key_substring) return self.responses[key] def _get_custom_field_name(self, key_substring): question_number = self._get_question_number(key_substring) if question_number in FILTER_SHORT_NAMES: return FILTER_SHORT_NAMES[question_number] key = self._search_key(key_substring) n = len(key_substring) name = key[n:] return name def _get_question_number(self, key_substring): return key_substring.strip().strip('.') def _get_selection(self, fields, dropdown_options): survey_field, extra_field, sub_fields = fields value = self._get(survey_field) if not value: return None if not dropdown_options["multiselect"]: selection = [ option for option in dropdown_options["options"] if option["name"] == value ] else: # Handle comma in options sub_values = [ v.replace("%%%", ", ") for v in value.replace(", ", "%%%").split(",") ] if {"All", "All of the above"}.intersection(sub_values): selection = [ option for option in dropdown_options["options"] if not option["name"] == "Other" ] # FIXME: Should we make it an option instead? Does filtering work # correctly, if we ignore this? elif {"not applicable"}.issubset({v.lower().strip() for v in sub_values}): selection = [] else: selection = [ option for option in dropdown_options["options"] for sub_value in sub_values if option["name"] == sub_value ] assert len(selection) == len( sub_values ), f"Some selections missing for {survey_field} with {value}: {sub_values} :: {selection}" for each in selection: allow_extra_text = each.pop("allow_extra_text", False) if allow_extra_text: assert ( extra_field ), "Field not specified for getting extra text" each["extra_text"] = self._get(extra_field) if isinstance(sub_fields, dict) and not sub_fields.get("extra_text"): self._get_sub_selection(selection, dropdown_options, sub_fields) return selection def _get_sub_selection(self, selection, dropdown_options, all_sub_fields): for each in selection: sub_dropdown_options = dict(each) sub_dropdown_options.setdefault("multiselect", dropdown_options["multiselect"]) name = sub_dropdown_options.pop("name") sub_fields = all_sub_fields.get(name) if sub_fields is None: continue sub_selection = self._get_selection(sub_fields, sub_dropdown_options) each["options"] = sub_selection if sub_fields[2]: self._get_sub_selection( sub_selection, sub_dropdown_options, sub_fields[2] ) def _search_key(self, key_substring): for key in self.responses: if key.startswith(key_substring): return key