Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Akvo Reporting is covered by the GNU Affero General Public License.
# See more details in the license.txt file located at the root folder of the Akvo RSR module.
# For additional details on the GNU license please see < >.

import sys

from collections import namedtuple
from import BaseCommand, OutputWrapper

from ...models import Project, Partnership, Organisation

FixProject = namedtuple('FixProject', ['project', 'reason', 'partners', 'sync_owner'])
OKProject = namedtuple('OKProject', ['project', 'organisation'])

[docs]class ReportingOrgMaker(object): NO_CANDIDATE = 'no candidate' MULTIPLE_CANDIDATES = 'multiple candidates' SYNC_NOT_SUPPORT = 'sync not support' def __init__(self, options): self.stdout = OutputWrapper(options.get('stdout', sys.stdout)) self.keyword_based_reporting_orgs = { 'WASH Alliance': 8, 'Connect4Change': 34, 'SRHR Alliance': 1043, 'WvW': 43, 'wvw2014': 43, 'wvw2015': 43, 'wvw2016': 43, 'WfW': 43, 'wfw2014': 43, 'wfw2015': 43, 'wfw2016': 43, } self.keywords_set = set(self.keyword_based_reporting_orgs.keys()) self.migrate = options['migrate'] self.ok_list = [] self.fix_list = []
[docs] def add_to_ok(self, project, org): self.ok_list += [OKProject(project, org)]
[docs] def add_to_fix(self, project, reason, partners, sync_owner=None): self.fix_list += [FixProject(project, reason, partners, sync_owner)]
[docs] def find_reporting_org_for_projects(self): # loop over all projects, trying ot figure reporting-org for each. self.stdout.write('\nData gathering progress:') i = 1 for project in Project.objects.published().prefetch_related( 'partnerships', 'partnerships__organisation', 'keywords'): if not i % 100: self.stdout.write(str(i)) else: self.stdout.write(".", ending='') i += 1 self.stdout.flush() # first check if we have a keyword from the keyword_based_reporting_orgs.keys() list reporting_keyword = self.keywords_set.intersection( set(project.keywords.values_list('label', flat=True))) if reporting_keyword: # if we do, set the reporting-org to the org connected to the keyword self.add_to_ok(project, Organisation.objects.get( pk=self.keyword_based_reporting_orgs[list(reporting_keyword)[0]])) else: # otherwise try to find the reporting org among sync_owner and accountable partners support_partners = project.partnerships.filter( iati_organisation_role=Partnership.IATI_ACCOUNTABLE_PARTNER ).select_related('organisation') # If there's no support partner, we set the sync_owner as reporting-org, # if there is one. Otherwise we report the problem. if support_partners.count() == 0: if project.sync_owner: self.add_to_ok(project, project.sync_owner) else: self.add_to_fix(project, self.NO_CANDIDATE, []) # If we have exactly one support partner, then things are in order if either: # 1) the sync_owner matches the support partner # 2) there is no sync_owner # In both cases we should be fine to set the sync_owner/support partner as the # reporting-org. elif support_partners.count() == 1: if project.sync_owner: # 1) if project.sync_owner == support_partners[0].organisation: self.add_to_ok(project, project.sync_owner) else: self.add_to_fix(project, self.SYNC_NOT_SUPPORT, support_partners, project.sync_owner) # 2) else: self.add_to_ok(project, support_partners[0].organisation) # If there are multiple support partners we check if one of the partners is sync_owner # we set that organisation to reporting. Otherwise we report the problem. else: if project.sync_owner: if in [ for p in support_partners]: self.add_to_ok(project, project.sync_owner) else: self.add_to_fix(project, self.MULTIPLE_CANDIDATES, support_partners)
[docs] def create_reporting_orgs(self): try: reporting_org_choice = Partnership.IATI_REPORTING_ORGANISATION self.stdout.write( "\n*** Assigning reporting-org partners to the following projects ***" ) self.stdout.write( "project ID, project title, organisation id, organisation name" ) for data in self.ok_list: partner = Partnership( organisation=data.organisation, iati_organisation_role=reporting_org_choice) data.project.partnerships.add(partner) self.print_ok_data(data) except Exception: self.stdout.write( "\n*** Reporting organisation choice not available for Partnerships ***" )
[docs] def print_ok_data(self, data): self.stdout.write( '{},"{}",{},"{}"'.format(, data.project.title,,
[docs] def print_fix_data(self, data, partner): self.stdout.write( '{},"{}",{},"{}","{}",{},"{}"'.format(, data.project.title,,, data.reason, if data.sync_owner else '', if data.sync_owner else ''))
[docs] def output_ok_list(self): self.stdout.write( "\n*** List of projects and the <reporting-org> partner they will get when migrating ***" ) self.stdout.write( "project ID, project title, organisation id, organisation name" ) for data in self.ok_list: self.print_ok_data(data)
[docs] def output_fix_list(self): self.stdout.write( "\n*** List of projects where no clear-cut reporting-org candidate was found ***" ) self.stdout.write( "project ID, project title, support partner id, support partner name, type of problem, sync_owner id, sync_owner name" ) for data in self.fix_list: for partner in self.print_fix_data(data, partner)
[docs]class Command(BaseCommand): help = 'Checks that all projects get a reporting organisation when migrating from sync_owner'
[docs] def add_arguments(self, parser): parser.add_argument( '--migrate', action='store_true', help='Migrate the database, creating reporting-org partnership objects' )
[docs] def handle(self, *args, **options): """ Walk through all projects and find projects where we need to figure out what to do to be able to assign a reporting organisation partner. """ reporter_maker = ReportingOrgMaker(options) reporter_maker.find_reporting_org_for_projects() if reporter_maker.migrate: reporter_maker.create_reporting_orgs() reporter_maker.output_fix_list() else: reporter_maker.output_ok_list() reporter_maker.output_fix_list() self.stdout.write('Done!')