Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Akvo Reporting is covered by the GNU Affero General Public License.
# See more details in the license.txt file located at the root folder of the Akvo RSR module.
# For additional details on the GNU license please see < >.

from decimal import Decimal
from import BaseCommand
from ...models import Project

[docs]class Command(BaseCommand): help = 'Checks all projects with a funding between 0 and a specified value'
[docs] def add_arguments(self, parser): parser.add_argument( 'value', type=Decimal, help='Funding value to check for', ) parser.add_argument( '--zero', action='store_true', dest='zero', default=False, help='Set needs funding to 0, instead of only printing results' ) parser.add_argument( '--complete', action='store_true', dest='complete', default=False, help='Set projects to the \'Complete\' status' )
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.value = None self.projects = None super(Command, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_projects(self): self.projects = Project.objects.filter(funds_needed__gt=0., funds_needed__lt=self.value)
[docs] def print_projects(self): self.stdout.write('') self.stdout.write('Found {0} project{1}...'.format( str(self.projects.count()), 's' if not self.projects.count() == 1 else '')) if self.projects.count() > 0: self.stdout.write('') self.stdout.write(' id | funds needed |') self.stdout.write('------|--------------|') for p in self.projects.order_by('id'): self.stdout.write('{pk:{fill}6}|{funds:{fill}14}|'.format(, funds=p.funds_needed, fill=' ')) self.stdout.write('------|--------------|')
[docs] def handle(self, *args, **options): """ Walk through all projects and find projects where the needs funding is in between 0 and the provided decimal. Print these projects, and set the needs_funding field to 0 if the --do option is supplied. """ error = '' self.value = options['value'] if error: self.stdout.write(error) self.stdout.write('') self.stdout.write('Usage: /var/akvo/rsr/code/ needs_funding [options] <value>') self.stdout.write('') return self.get_projects() self.print_projects() # Set funds needed to 0 for the retrieved projects if self.projects.count() > 0 and options['zero']: for p in self.projects: p.funds_needed = 0. self.stdout.write('') self.stdout.write('Succesfully set funds needed to 0 for {0} project{1}'.format( str(self.projects.count()), 's' if not self.projects.count() == 1 else '')) # Set projects to 'Complete' for the retrieved projects if self.projects.count() > 0 and options['complete']: for p in self.projects: p.iati_status = '3' self.stdout.write('') self.stdout.write('Succesfully set status to \'Complete\' for {0} project{1}'.format( str(self.projects.count()), 's' if not self.projects.count() == 1 else '')) self.stdout.write('') self.stdout.write('Done!') self.stdout.write('')