Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Akvo Reporting is covered by the GNU Affero General Public License.
# See more details in the license.txt file located at the root folder of the Akvo RSR module.
# For additional details on the GNU license please see < >.

from datetime import datetime

from import BaseCommand
from django.db.models import Count

from akvo.rsr.models import Indicator, IndicatorPeriod, Project, Result

[docs]def delete_periods(): """Delete the periods which were incorrectly created due to a bug.""" projects = [5808, 5807, 5550, 5549, 5548, 5547, 5546, 5544, 5253] # Delete parent periods which don't have children parent_results = Result.objects.filter(project__in=projects)\ .annotate(children=Count('child_results'))\ .filter(children__gt=0) periods = IndicatorPeriod.objects.filter(indicator__result__in=parent_results)\ .annotate(children=Count('child_periods'))\ .filter(children=0) periods.delete() # Delete child periods which don't have a parent child_results = Result.objects.filter(project__in=projects)\ .exclude(parent_result=None) periods = IndicatorPeriod.objects.filter(indicator__result__in=child_results)\ .filter(parent_period=None) periods.delete() # Delete parent and child periods with no period start date periods = IndicatorPeriod.objects.filter(indicator__result__project__in=projects)\ .filter(period_start=None) child_periods = periods.values_list('child_periods', flat=True) child_periods = IndicatorPeriod.objects.filter(id__in=child_periods) child_periods.delete() periods.delete()
[docs]def create_periods(): """Create new periods, based on the rules defined by the partner.""" OUTPUT = '1' OUTCOME = '2' project = Project.objects.get(id=5808) # Add periods to outputs OUTPUT_DATES = [ ((2017, 1, 1), (2017, 12, 31)), ((2018, 1, 1), (2018, 12, 31)), ((2019, 1, 1), (2019, 12, 31)), ((2020, 1, 1), (2020, 12, 31)), ] outputs = project.results.filter(type=OUTPUT) pathways = outputs.filter(title__contains='Pathway ') indicators = Indicator.objects.filter(result__in=pathways)\ .values_list('id', flat=True) print('Adding periods to {} indicators'.format(indicators.count())) for indicator_id in indicators: print('Adding periods to {}'.format(indicator_id)) for period_start, period_end in OUTPUT_DATES: IndicatorPeriod.objects.create( indicator_id=indicator_id, period_start=datetime(*period_start), period_end=datetime(*period_end), target_value='0', ) # Add periods to outcomes OUTCOME_DATES = [ ((2019, 1, 1), (2020, 12, 31)), ] outcomes = project.results.filter(type=OUTCOME) pathways = outcomes.filter(title__contains='Pathway ') indicators = Indicator.objects.filter(result__in=pathways)\ .values_list('id', flat=True) print('Adding periods to {} indicators'.format(indicators.count())) for indicator_id in indicators: print('Adding periods to {}'.format(indicator_id)) for period_start, period_end in OUTCOME_DATES: IndicatorPeriod.objects.create( indicator_id=indicator_id, period_start=datetime(*period_start), period_end=datetime(*period_end), target_value='0', )
[docs]class Command(BaseCommand): args = '' help = 'Script for fixing UTZ results data'
[docs] def handle(self, *args, **options): delete_periods() create_periods()