Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Akvo Reporting is covered by the GNU Affero General Public License.
# See more details in the license.txt file located at the root folder of the Akvo RSR module.
# For additional details on the GNU license please see < >.

from import BaseCommand

from ...models import Indicator, IndicatorPeriod


[docs]class Command(BaseCommand): help = """ Script that adds indicator periods for a project to indicators of output results. The new periods have the following start and end dates: 2018-01-01", "2018-06-30" 2018-07-01", "2018-12-31" 2019-01-01", "2019-06-30" 2019-07-01", "2019-12-31" 2020-01-01", "2020-06-30" 2020-07-01", "2020-12-31" 2021-01-01", "2021-06-30" 2021-07-01", "2021-12-31" NOTE: this is a custom command for OneDrop. """
[docs] def handle(self, *args, **options): DATES = [ ["2018-01-01", "2018-06-30"], ["2018-07-01", "2018-12-31"], ["2019-01-01", "2019-06-30"], ["2019-07-01", "2019-12-31"], ["2020-01-01", "2020-06-30"], ["2020-07-01", "2020-12-31"], ["2021-01-01", "2021-06-30"], ["2021-07-01", "2021-12-31"], ] project_ids = args print('ID\tTitle') for project_id in project_ids: indicators = Indicator.objects.filter( result__project=project_id ).filter( result__type=RESULT_TYPE_OUTPUT ) for indicator in indicators: periods = IndicatorPeriod.objects.filter(indicator=indicator) if periods.count() == 1: print("{}\t{}".format(, indicator.title).encode('utf-8')) for (period_start, period_end) in DATES: IndicatorPeriod.objects.create(indicator=indicator, period_start=period_start, period_end=period_end)