Source code for akvo.rsr.checks.results

from typing import Dict, Iterable, List

from django.db.models import QuerySet

from akvo.rsr.models import Project, Result
from akvo.rsr.models.related_project import get_project_parents

[docs]def get_with_non_familial_parents() -> Iterable[Result]: """ Results that have parents with a project outside of the family hierarchy # Example: hierarchy: program project other_project results: project -> result -> parent_result -> other_project """ results = get_with_parents() return [ result for result in results if result.parent_result.project not in get_project_parents(result.project) ]
[docs]def get_with_multi_project_parents() -> Dict[Project, Dict[Project, List[Result]]]: """ Results that have parent results with different projects # Example: result -> parent -> project result -> parent -> project1 result -> parent -> project """ results = get_with_parents() project_lookup: Dict[Project, Dict[Project, List[Result]]] = {} for result in results: project_lookup.setdefault( result.project, {} ).setdefault(result.parent_result.project, list()).append(result) return { project: parent_projects for project, parent_projects in project_lookup.items() if len(parent_projects) > 1 }
[docs]def get_with_parents() -> QuerySet[Result]: results = Result.objects.all().select_related( 'project', 'parent_result', 'parent_result__project' ).exclude( parent_result=None ).order_by('project__pk') return results