Source code for akvo.password_policy.validator

from typing import Callable, Optional

from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.utils.module_loading import import_string

from akvo.password_policy.builder import build_validation_rule
from akvo.password_policy.error_messages import get_error_message as msg
from akvo.password_policy.models import PolicyConfig
from import PasswordHistoryService

[docs]def noop(*_): return
[docs]def import_or_noop(fn_name) -> Callable: try: return import_string(fn_name) except (ValueError, AttributeError, ImportError): return noop
[docs]class PasswordPolicyValidator: """ This is an implementation of Django's password validator. For use with the AUTH_PASSWORD_VALIDATORS setting. See: """ def __init__(self, resolver: str, fallback: Optional[str] = None): """ Parameters ---------- resolver: str module path to a function that resolve user's password policy. signature: Callable[[User], Optional[PolicyConfig]] fallback: Optional[str] module path to a fallback funtion when the user arg is None or the resolver function doesn't return a PasswordPolicy object. The function should return None if the password is valid, or raise a ValidationError with an error message if the password is not valid. signature: Callable[[str], Optional[User]] """ self.resolve = import_or_noop(resolver) self.fallback = import_or_noop(fallback)
[docs] def validate(self, password, user=None): """ Validate that password complies with the policy configured using the PolicyConfig model. """ if not user: return self.fallback(password) config = self.resolve(user) if not isinstance(config, PolicyConfig): return self.fallback(password, user) validator = build_validation_rule(config, user) result = validator.validate(password) if not result.is_valid(): errors = [ ValidationError(msg(error.code), code=error.code, params=error.context) for error in result.errors ] raise ValidationError(errors)
[docs] def password_changed(self, password, user=None): """ Log password changes for use in handling reuse limits and expiration. """ if not user: return config = self.resolve(user) history = PasswordHistoryService(user, config) history.push(password)
[docs] def get_help_text(self): return "Your password must comply with the password policy."