# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Akvo RSR is covered by the GNU Affero General Public License.
# See more details in the license.txt file located at the root folder of the Akvo RSR module.
# For additional details on the GNU license please see < http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html >.
import json
from django.conf import settings
from akvo.rsr.models.result.utils import QUANTITATIVE
[docs]def results(project):
:param project: Project object
:return: All checks passed boolean, [Check results]
checks = []
all_checks_passed = True
DGIS_PROJECT = project.validations.filter(name__in=DGIS_VALIDATION_SET_NAMES).count() > 0
project_results = project.results.prefetch_related('indicators', 'indicators__periods', 'indicators__references').all()
for result in project_results:
if not result.type:
all_checks_passed = False
checks.append(('error', json.dumps({
'model': 'result', 'id': result.pk, 'message': 'result has no type specified'})))
if not result.title:
all_checks_passed = False
checks.append(('error', json.dumps({
'model': 'result', 'id': result.pk, 'message': 'result has no title specified'})))
if not result.indicators.exists():
all_checks_passed = False
checks.append(('error', json.dumps({
'model': 'result', 'id': result.pk, 'message': 'result has no indicators'})))
for indicator in result.indicators.all():
if indicator.type == QUANTITATIVE and not indicator.measure:
all_checks_passed = False
checks.append(('error', json.dumps({
'model': 'indicator', 'id': indicator.pk, 'result_id': result.pk,
'message': 'indicator has no measure specified'})))
if not indicator.title:
all_checks_passed = False
checks.append(('error', json.dumps({
'model': 'indicator', 'id': indicator.pk, 'result_id': result.pk,
'message': 'indicator has no title specified'})))
if not indicator.baseline_value:
if indicator.type == QUANTITATIVE:
all_checks_passed = False
checks.append(('warning', json.dumps({
'model': 'indicator', 'id': indicator.pk, 'result_id': result.pk,
'message': ('indicator baseline has no value specified, however the '
'value of "0" has been set for the attribute')})))
all_checks_passed = False
checks.append(('warning', json.dumps({
'model': 'indicator', 'id': indicator.pk, 'result_id': result.pk,
'message': ('indicator baseline has no value specified, however the '
'value of "0" has been set for the attribute')})))
if not indicator.baseline_year:
all_checks_passed = False
checks.append(('warning', json.dumps({
'model': 'indicator', 'id': indicator.pk, 'result_id': result.pk,
'message': ('indicator baseline has no year specified, '
'however the value of "1" has been set for the attribute')})))
elif indicator.baseline_value or indicator.baseline_comment:
all_checks_passed = False
checks.append(('error', json.dumps({
'model': 'indicator', 'id': indicator.pk, 'result_id': result.pk,
'message': 'indicator baseline has no year specified'})))
for reference in indicator.references.all():
if not reference.reference:
all_checks_passed = False
checks.append(('error', json.dumps({
'model': 'indicator_reference', 'id': reference.pk,
'indicator_id': indicator.pk, 'result_id': result.pk,
'message': 'indicator reference has no code specified'})))
if not reference.vocabulary:
all_checks_passed = False
checks.append(('error', json.dumps({
'model': 'indicator_reference', 'id': reference.pk,
'indicator_id': indicator.pk, 'result_id': result.pk,
'message': 'indicator reference has no vocabulary specified'})))
if reference.vocabulary == '99' and not reference.vocabulary_uri:
all_checks_passed = False
checks.append(('error', json.dumps({
'model': 'indicator_reference', 'id': reference.pk,
'indicator_id': indicator.pk, 'result_id': result.pk,
'message': ('indicator reference has vocabulary 99 '
'(reporting organisation) but no vocabulary URI specified')})))
for period in indicator.periods.all():
if not period.period_start:
all_checks_passed = False
checks.append(('error', json.dumps({
'model': 'indicator_period', 'id': period.pk,
'indicator_id': indicator.pk, 'result_id': result.pk,
'message': 'indicator period has no start date specified'})))
if not period.period_end:
all_checks_passed = False
checks.append(('error', json.dumps({
'model': 'indicator_period', 'id': period.pk,
'indicator_id': indicator.pk, 'result_id': result.pk,
'message': 'indicator period has no end date specified'})))
if period.period_start and period.period_end and \
period.period_start > period.period_end:
all_checks_passed = False
checks.append(('error', json.dumps({
'model': 'indicator_period', 'id': period.pk,
'indicator_id': indicator.pk, 'result_id': result.pk,
'message': 'indicator period has a start date later than the end date'})))
if indicator.type == QUANTITATIVE and not period.target_value:
all_checks_passed = False
checks.append(('warning', json.dumps({
'model': 'indicator_period', 'id': period.pk,
'indicator_id': indicator.pk, 'result_id': result.pk,
'message': ('indicator period has no target value specified. The value'
' "0" has been set for the target value attribute')})))
elif (period.target_comment or period.target_locations.exists()):
all_checks_passed = False
checks.append(('error', json.dumps({
'model': 'indicator_period', 'id': period.pk,
'indicator_id': indicator.pk, 'result_id': result.pk,
'message': ('indicator period has no target value, but does have '
'a target comment or target location(s)')})))
if indicator.type == QUANTITATIVE and not period.actual_value:
all_checks_passed = False
checks.append(('warning', json.dumps({
'model': 'indicator_period', 'id': period.pk,
'indicator_id': indicator.pk, 'result_id': result.pk,
'message': ('indicator period has no actual value specified. The value'
' "0" has been set for the actual value attribute')})))
elif (period.actual_comment or period.actual_locations.exists()):
all_checks_passed = False
checks.append(('error', json.dumps({
'model': 'indicator_period', 'id': period.pk,
'indicator_id': indicator.pk, 'result_id': result.pk,
'message': ('indicator period has no actual value, but does have '
'an actual comment or actual location(s)')})))
if len(project_results) > 0 and all_checks_passed:
checks.append(('success', 'has valid result(s)'))
return all_checks_passed, checks