Source code for akvo.codelists.scripts.iati_codelist_generator

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Akvo RSR is covered by the GNU Affero General Public License. See more
# details in the license.txt file located at the root folder of the Akvo RSR
# module. For additional details on the GNU license please see
# <>.

Generate a python file,, in the codelists folder that contains a python representation of all
IATI codelists, based on the IATI version.
See and

import argparse
import json
from os.path import abspath, dirname, join
import re
import requests
import sys
import tempfile

from xml.etree import ElementTree

HERE = dirname(abspath(__file__))

# Modify this list to add new versions
    "1.01": "",
    "1.02": "",
    "1.03": "",
    "1.04": "",
    "1.05": "",
    "2.01": "",
    "2.02": "",
    "2.03": "",

FIELDS_ORDER = ("category", "code", "name", "description", "url")

    # 'AidType': [u"name"], # Very long descriptions!
    # 'ActivityScope': [u"name", u"description"],
    'ActivityStatus': ["name", "description"],
    # 'BudgetIdentifier': [u"name"],
    # 'BudgetIdentifierVocabulary': [u"name", u"description"],
    # 'BudgetStatus': [u"name", u"description"],
    # 'BudgetType': [u"name", u"description"],
    # one very long name, probably a data bug 'CollaborationType': [u"name", u"description"],
    # 'ConditionType': [u"name", u"description"],
    'ContactType': ["name", "description"],
    # 'CRSAddOtherFlags': [u"name", u"description"],
    # 'Currency': [u"name"],
    # 'Country': [u"name"],
    # 'DisbursementChannel': [u"name", u"description"],
    # 'FinanceType': [u"name"], # Very long descriptions!
    # 'DocumentCategory': [u"name", u"description"],
    # 'FlowType': [u"name", u"description"],
    # 'GeographicLocationClass': [u"name", u"description"],
    # 'GeographicLocationReach': [u"name", u"description"],
    # 'GeographicVocabulary': [u"name", u"description"],
    # 'HumanitarianScopeType': [u"name"],
    # 'HumanitarianScopeVocabulary': [u"name"],
    'IndicatorMeasure': ["name", "description"],
    # 'IndicatorVocabulary': [u"name"],
    # 'Language': [u"name"],
    # 'LoanRepaymentPeriod': [u"name", u"description"],
    # 'LoanRepaymentType': [u"name", u"description"],
    # 'LocationType': [u"name"],
    # 'OrganisationType': [u"name"],
    # 'PolicyMarker': [u"name", u"description"],
    # 'PolicySignificance': [u"name"],
    # 'Region': [u"name"],
    # 'RegionVocabulary': [u"name", u"description"],
    'RelatedActivityType': ["name", "description"],
    'ResultType': ["name", "description"],
    # 'Sector': [u"name"], # very long descriptions
    # 'SectorCategory': [u"name"], # very long descriptions
    'SectorVocabulary': ["name", "description"],
    # 'TiedStatus': [u"name", u"description"],
    # 'TransactionType': [u"name", u"description"],

    # Section 1
    'AidType': {'path': 'section1/options/aid-types.json'},
    'AidTypeVocabulary': {'path': 'section1/options/aid-type-vocabulary.json'},
    'FinanceType': {'path': 'section1/options/finance-types.json'},
    'FlowType': {'path': 'section1/options/flow-types.json'},
    'TiedStatus': {'path': 'section1/options/tied-statuses.json', 'prefix-code': False},
    # Section 6
    'BudgetIdentifier': {'path': 'section6/country-budget-items/options.json'},
    'DisbursementChannel': {'path': 'section6/transactions/options/channels.json'},
    'TransactionType': {'path': 'section6/transactions/options/type-options.json', 'prefix-code': False},
    # Section 7
    'ActivityScope': {'path': 'section7/scope-options.json'},
    'GeographicVocabulary': {'path': 'section7/location-items/admin-vocab-options.json'},
    'LocationType': {'path': 'section7/location-items/feature-options.json'},
    'Region': {'path': 'section7/recipient-regions/regions.json'},
    # Section 8
    'Sector': {'path': 'section8/vocab-1-codes.json', 'indent': 2, 'separators': (',', ': '), 'prefix-code': False},
    'SectorCategory': {'path': 'section8/vocab-2-codes.json', 'prefix-code': False},
    'SectorVocabulary': {'path': 'section8/vocab.json'},
    'PolicySignificance': {'path': 'section8/policy-markers/significances.json'},
    'PolicyMarker': {'path': 'section8/policy-markers/markers.json', 'prefix-code': False},
    # Section 9
    'DocumentCategory': {'path': 'section9/docs/categories.json'},
    'FileFormat': {'path': 'section9/docs/formats.json'},
    'Language': {'path': 'section9/docs/languages.json', 'prefix-code': False},
    # Section 11
    'CRSChannelCode': {'path': 'section11/channel-codes.json'},

JSON_CODELISTS_PATH_PREFIX = 'akvo/rsr/spa/app/modules/editor/'

DOC_TEMPLATE = """# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _


# From {url}
{name} = (

STRING_BIT = '"{}"'
I18N_BIT = '_(u"{}")'

[docs]def pythonify_codelist_name(codelist_name): """Turn OrganisationType into ORGANISATION_TYPE""" bits = re.findall('[A-Z][^A-Z]*', codelist_name) return '_'.join(bits).upper().replace("-", "_")
[docs]def prettify_country_name(country): """ALL CAPS IS UGLY!""" country = country.lower() bits = [] previous = '' for bit in country.split(' '): # don't capitalize small words unless they follow a comma if bit not in ['the', 'and', 'of', 'da'] or previous[-1] == ',': bit = bit.capitalize() # special case fo U.S. if bit == 'U.s.': bit = 'U.S.' # Capitalize inside parentheses if bit[0] == '(': bit = "({}".format(bit[1:].capitalize()) # Fix hyphenated names if '-' in bit: bit = '-'.join([b.capitalize() for b in bit.split('-')]) bits.append(bit) previous = bit return ' '.join(bits)
[docs]def codelist_data(result, version, transform=None): """ Create a data structure with the following format: { 'fields: ['<field_name_1>', '<field_name_2>', ..., 'rows: [ { '<field_name_1>': '<codelist_value_1>, '<field_name_2>', '<codelist_value_2>, ... }, { ... } ] } """ tree = ElementTree.fromstring(result.text.encode('utf-8')) if version in ["1.01", "1.02", "1.03"]: items = tree else: items = tree.find('codelist-items').findall('codelist-item') rows = [] for item in items: row = {} fields = set() for field in list(item): # an attrib here indicates an alternative language, which we skip for now if not field.attrib: # we need to "collect" fields since not all items have all fields fields = fields.union({field.tag}) text = field.text.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '') if field.text else '' if transform and transform['field'] == field.tag: text = transform['func'](text) row[field.tag] = text rows.append(row) return {'fields': fields, 'rows': rows}
[docs]def get_codelists(version, url): "Depending on the codelist version, retrieves the codelists" if version in ["1.01", "1.02", "1.03"]: codelists_url = url + "codelist.xml" codelist_url_template = url + "codelist/{}.xml" else: codelists_url = url + "codelists.xml" codelist_url_template = url + "xml/{}.xml" result = requests.get(codelists_url) codelists = [] if result.status_code == 200 and len(result.text) > 0: tree = ElementTree.fromstring(result.text) if version in ["1.01", "1.02", "1.03"]: for codelist in tree.iter('name'): codelists.append(codelist.text) else: for codelist in tree.iter('codelist'): if not codelist.attrib['ref'] in codelists: codelists.append(codelist.attrib['ref']) else: print("ERROR: Could not retrieve codelists from {}".format(codelists_url)) return codelist_url_template, sorted(codelists)
[docs]def generate_codelists_data(version): """ For each codelist extend the data structure returned from codelist_data with a the fields 'url' and 'name' and append to the list 'data' which is returned holding all data for all codelists """ codelist_url_template, codelist_names = get_codelists(version, VERSIONS[version]) data = [] for name in codelist_names: if name in ["IATIOrganisationIdentifier", ]: # Ignore some names which are not codelists continue url = codelist_url_template.format(name) result = requests.get(url) if not result.status_code == 200 or not len(result.text) > 0: # Couldn't fetch the result from the IATI site continue print("Gathering data for {}...".format(name)) if name == "Country": codelist_dict = codelist_data( result, version, {'field': 'name', 'func': prettify_country_name}) else: codelist_dict = codelist_data(result, version) # HACK: Backward compatibility hacks for some apparent hand-made # changes to the codelist file. # FIXME: Remove these hacks when updating the IATI standard version if name == 'FinanceType': codelist_dict['fields'].remove('description') for row in codelist_dict['rows'][::]: row.pop('description', None) if len(row['category']) > 3: codelist_dict['rows'].remove(row) elif name == 'CollaborationType': row = codelist_dict['rows'][-1] row['name'] = re.sub(r'\(.*\)', '', row['name']).strip() codelist_dict['url'] = url codelist_dict['name'] = name data.append(codelist_dict) return data
[docs]def data_to_strings(data): """ Use the data structure created in generate_codelists_data to assemble the string parts of the codelist document. """ codelists = [] for codelist in data: sorted_fields = sorted(codelist['fields'], key=lambda x: FIELDS_ORDER.index(x) if x in FIELDS_ORDER else 100 + ord(x[0])) url = codelist['url'] name = pythonify_codelist_name(codelist['name']) field_names = "({}),".format( ", ".join([STRING_BIT.format(field) for field in sorted_fields])) rows = [] for row in codelist['rows']: fields = [] for field in sorted_fields: text = row.get(field, '') # don't tag empty strings for translation if field in TRANSLATED_CODELISTS.get(codelist['name'], []) and text: template = I18N_BIT else: template = STRING_BIT fields.append(template.format(row.get(field, '').replace('"', '\\"'))) rows.append(" ({}),".format(", ".join(fields))) rows = "\n".join(rows) output = CODELIST_TEMPLATE.format( url=url, name=name, field_names=field_names, rows=rows ) codelists.append(output) if codelist['name'] in JSON_CODELISTS: write_codelist_json(codelist) return codelists
[docs]def get_translation_pairs(version, lang): codelist_url_template, _ = get_codelists(version, VERSIONS[version]) translations = [] for name, fields in sorted(TRANSLATED_CODELISTS.items()): url = codelist_url_template.format(name) result = requests.get(url) if not result.status_code == 200 or not len(result.text) > 0: # Couldn't fetch the result from the IATI site continue tree = ElementTree.fromstring(result.text.encode('utf-8')) items = ( tree if version in ["1.01", "1.02", "1.03"] else tree.find('codelist-items').findall('codelist-item') ) lang_attr = '{}lang' for item in items: for field in fields: values = item.findall(field) if len(values) <= 1: continue values = { value.get(lang_attr, 'en'): value.text for value in values } if lang in values: translations.append((values['en'], values[lang])) return translations
[docs]def get_translation_csv(version, lang='fr'): print('Getting translations for {}'.format(lang)) translations = get_translation_pairs(version, lang=lang) with open(tempfile.mktemp('.csv'), 'w') as f: for translation_pair in translations: f.write('"{}","{}"\n'.format(*translation_pair).encode('utf8')) print('Translations csv written to {}'.format(
[docs]def write_codelist_json(codelist, dry_run=False): name = codelist['name'] config = JSON_CODELISTS[name] def get_row_label(row, config): code = row['code'] name = row.get('name', code) prefix_code = config.get('prefix-code', True) and name != code label = f"{code} - {name}" if prefix_code else name return label data = [ {'value': row['code'], 'label': get_row_label(row, config)} for row in codelist['rows'] ] if config.get('add-empty', False): data.insert(0, {"value":"","label":"None"}) if dry_run: return data path = join(JSON_CODELISTS_PATH_PREFIX, config['path']) with open(path, 'w') as f: # FIXME: Set indent=0 so that the files are easily diffable # Not setting it right now, to reduce the changes with existing files indent = config.get('indent') separators = config.get('separators', (',', ':')) json.dump(data, f, separators=separators, ensure_ascii=False, indent=indent) return data
if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-v", "--version", help="version, e.g. '1.01' (required)", required=True) parser.add_argument("-t", "--translate", help="translation language code e.g. 'fr'") args = parser.parse_args() # Version has to be one of the allowed versions if args.version not in VERSIONS: print("Error; Version should be one of the following:") for version in VERSIONS: print("- %s" % version) sys.exit(0) if args.translate: get_translation_csv(args.version, args.translate) sys.exit(9) data_dict = generate_codelists_data(args.version) identifiers = [pythonify_codelist_name(data['name']) for data in data_dict] strings = data_to_strings(data_dict) codelists = '\n'.join(strings) codelist_path = join(HERE, '..', 'store', "" % args.version.replace(".", "")) with open(codelist_path, "w") as iati_file: iati_file.write('# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n\n') iati_file.write('from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _\n\n') iati_file.writelines('codelist_list = [\n "{}"\n]\n'.format('",\n "'.join(identifiers))) iati_file.write(codelists) iati_file.write('\n')